Owensboro , Ky area

Would be most grateful for recommendations for doctors ,speicalisties and / or theropest that are in this area.

I would go to BG or Evansville but I was diagnosed in BG and was sent to an amazing Neuro at Vanderbilt hospital. I know it’s a drive but from living there that’s what I would do…

No known top TN docs in Owensboro … Our favorite doctors here are listed…Look up top, doctors tab above . Try Tennessee . Or Indiana .

Everyone listed is over a 2 hour drive

Barbie32, if you don’t mind me asking which neuro they sent you to at Vanderbilt(you can inbox me if you want to), and about how long it was before they were able to see you. I was so diagnosed by my PCP and then sent to neuro in BG, and they are sending me to one at St Thomas. The trouble is that they are having a time getting me in to an appt soon. As I’m sure for you, this has been life-altering for me, and just want to get the best treatment possible. Thanks!

I got in dr Casey within weeks for my MVD…I went to Michigan to see him.

I guess I’m still holding onto hope that this can be fixed for good and will go away…, I need to get back to my job and my family needs me:(

I really appercate everyones reply . it helps to know what is out there . barbie if you do not mind messaging me the name of the neuro so i can look into him/her i would be grateful

i know what you mean proverbs 31 mom said:
I guess I'm still holding onto hope that this can be fixed for good and will go away.., I need to get back to my job and my family needs me:(