Officially diagnosed twice this week with trigeminal

6 weeks ago I was normal, now not so much!

Very long story that I had to beg, cry and fight my way itno see doctors! Have been taking taking percocet for the pain...getting a feel for what triggers The Ice Pick attack, and pretty much holing up away from all loud noises...especially crinkling to avoid the Ice Pick Attacks!

was presribed Gabapentin today by family doctor...having dye contrast/imaging MRI tomorrow at 8:00am, and seeing neurologist for first time this coming Monday. decided to hold off on starting gabapentin at least until tomorrow night. need to get through mri first, which could be tricky since noises...and touching my left side pretty much start the throbbing, which stars the burning, which start the tingling which then lead to the ice pick stabs.

anyone know anything about gabapentin or how the heck i am suppose to make it through a one hour noisey mri when my family cant even eat doritos around me, or the tv can't be on....or the ice maker....

Cotton or ear plugs work well.

got the mri cd in the mail...i can see my brain? But have no idea what thes 200+ images mean!

started meds yesterday. neurotin?

it looks like two trollsare living in my brain

I have a cd of one of my MRI's too. I cannot make head nor tails of it either. But the eyes are kind of fun to look at...