New place of pain? Anyone else experience this?

Today my pain has moved, this part is normal it seems my pain is in a different place everyday. Today my shocks are down the right side of my neck, same side I have TN. Has anyone else ever experienced pain in the neck (literally) ? Or is this something none related to TN?

mine is in a diffrent area every day but always on the right side. find that it usually settles in my bottom molars and into my jaw and chin primarily. sick of feeleing like a zombie though to avoid pain, this disease sucks!!!

This disease does suck. I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like I never know what is going to hurt that day until I brush my teeth and shower and then it settles somewhere unbearable and I start my day. I have it the most in my jaw and it feels like my teeth are going to crumble on those days. The neck thing though is completely new to me,,,,,

I to get it in my neck down the right side behind my ear right to y spine … Also my upper jaw eye socket and sinus area from what I’ve read you are right the pain can and does jump around … Sometimes icing my face and neck seems to help as well as sometimes I use tiger balm a small amount and rub it on th warhead that are hurting badly hope this helps

mommyheather said:

This disease does suck. I hate it!!! Its like I never know what is going to hurt that day until I brush my teeth and shower and then it settles somewhere unbearable and I start my day. I have it the most in my jaw and it feels like my teeth are going to crumble on those days. The neck thing though is completely new to me,

hi ya mommyheather 1year ago i started to have this most unberabile pain in my next were i couldent even move i had it for 4 months so went to doctor gave me pain killers and 2 weeks after pain in my neck went and this is what iam left with in my face now its so bad some times i just scream and cry with the pain the wost is in my teeth and jaw and behind my ear and when ive got the pain under my skin by the bottom of my jaw there is little lumps under my skin i do wish this has never happend to me.hope you are ok and get some releif from pain i take 3 thousand 600mg of gabapentine a day it works some times and other days it dosent xx

I have also had pains not only in my neck but also in my right shoulder blade, arm , hand and foot. Anyone else ever have this? I know it is not typical from what I have read, but it feels like the same type of pain.

yes. after my initial "teeth/gum" pains started 2 years ago... then started to apear some neck pains that went to my upeer back (sorry - don't know the english word for that).

my left hand was also "fell asleep" from time to time. only after a years i've done some tests for that (EMG + XRAY) . the tests showed something (again - i don't know how to write it in english) - but it didn't explain the pain.

to start with - i'm sure my pain begun at the teeth - that neck.

but i read many theories on pressure on the neck (atlas bone etc.) that causes ATN/TN.. so don't know what cause what.

doctors say neck problems and a consequence of the pain problem.

lorraine ! i too have those lumps inder my skin.. especially in the jaw bone line place !

doctor says small lymph nods. .. but if so - why can't they explain that ?

Lorraine, are you talking about swollen lymph glands? I wondered. I have those. but they've been that way long before my TN. But now they are waaaaaay worse pain wise. Just wonder how yours are?? But I have also been getting pain further down under the jaw between the neck and jaw. So I can see how this could radiate down if it is more intense. These are just spurts of pain and they are at about a level 3 or 4. But I have ATN, Heather, so for you, I think you had said you have more shocklike pain so it could be the TN radiating into your neck. Sounds plausible to me. Min

Min - my "path" of pain also go thruogh those places, ,neck... below the jaw in the neck... like in the bone.. uunder the ear.... those small swollen glands were also noticed by my doctors.. (i don't have them on the other side) . in my case my bone or muscle (can't tell) got really wierd on that side. doctors calls it Atrophy of this side.

but still - all this signs - don't give them a clue of what happens.

my pain is also became to be regular on the BACK of neck.. and throat.. but i'll admit - even if it's not you said it a 3 level high pain.. and i can live with that perfectly fine.. as lond as the pain doesn't go to my face.

(especaially while i'm lying down i feel the stress from my neck goes up)