Is it normal?

is it normal for this condition for the pain to move to other places over time???? I used to only have pain lower right jaw and teeth now it has also moved to the top right jaw and teeth????

I thin it is normal as the TN progresses to move about in different or new areas of pain. It lest I hope it is, because the pain for me has slowly moved around. It’s a bit frustrating, once you’ve got a good grip with the pain is and how it’s triggered, the TN moves a bit to a new area. Im sorry your TN has moved around, especially in your teeth. That is one spot that makes me cranky quick, as it makes it feel like all my teeth are buzzzing in their sockets. I know how the teeth pain is and im sorry your feeling that. Lately mine has been creeping into my ear, I know it’s not an ear infection, and yes I’m freaked out about that as it hurts and bugs the crud out of me. Hope my answer helps, maybe somebody else will have give a better answer.