Am I the only one who hasn't had dental pain?

I've never had any pain in my teeth and jaw area. My pain is only around my eye socket, in my cheekbone, temple and on the right side of my nose. Does everyone with TN experience dental pain? My PCP thinks that only the top two parts of my trigeminal nerve are affected and that the third branch of the nerve, the part near the jaw, is OK. Is my case unusual or are there others that don't experience dental pain as well?

Julya, when I was first diagnosed I had electric shocks only under my right eye. ( tn1)
No where else.
It went into remission for 8 years but when it came back it affected my mid and lower branch not my 1st branch, eye anymore …
TN can affect 1,2 or all three branches and it can change at whim…
My left side was always TN 2, as it got worse this past year I also started experiencing TN 1 electric shocks…
You’re case is perfectly normal.
(( hugs )) Mimi

Honestly when I first got TN and did not know what it was I thought I had a jaw infection, it was not my gums or teeth that bothered but my lower jaw. As the nasty damn TN has progressed it has affected my teeth. Not untill recently has the pain around my eye or temple area. Remember none of us are exactly alike, we have things in common but yeah it’s the old no two cases of TN are a like deal. I think where we are affected by pain depends on what branch or branches are affected, not only that but the area or part of trigiminal nerve the has a vein wrapped around it, is damaged, or what have you whacky madoodles (sorry I was going to say something else and of course I forgot what it was mid sentence and word). I know there are others that have pain closer to yours, and others that have the same reginons painful as your but also have other spots that are affected by TN. So my point is nope your not a freak along freaks just like everyone else that is each commonly but still each uquelly different in our own quirky TN ways. Hope that helps you out a bit, and have a great day that is pain free:)

Good point - and thank you!

Kari said:

Honestly when I first got TN and did not know what it was I thought I had a jaw infection, it was not my gums or teeth that bothered but my lower jaw. As the nasty damn TN has progressed it has affected my teeth. Not untill recently has the pain around my eye or temple area. Remember none of us are exactly alike, we have things in common but yeah it's the old no two cases of TN are a like deal. I think where we are affected by pain depends on what branch or branches are affected, not only that but the area or part of trigiminal nerve the has a vein wrapped around it, is damaged, or what have you whacky madoodles (sorry I was going to say something else and of course I forgot what it was mid sentence and word). I know there are others that have pain closer to yours, and others that have the same reginons painful as your but also have other spots that are affected by TN. So my point is nope your not a freak along freaks just like everyone else that is each commonly but still each uquelly different in our own quirky TN ways. Hope that helps you out a bit, and have a great day that is pain free:)

Mimi is oh so right. We are so alike in one way we havelp all had this horrible monster invade our lives. Like Mimi said our pain is so different mine is in all three branches all on the right side and it is always there like a bad dream that has went on for twenty two yrs. and I can't. wake up.My lips feel like someone is holding a lighter to them the last couple weeks it's. been just about constant.I also have the burning, boring, aching stabbing in my nose to the corner of my eye all across the right side of my faceand head around to the backP where I have vice grip feeling and then bone pain where the removed two peices of bone when they did the mvd.That was a failure. I have ice pick stabbing in my right cheek and in my right ear and my teeth ache like I had some. I really think that is what started my whole problem but nothing I can do about it now just suffer and shut up. This sure is no fun. Another night of warning each hour go by. This really SUCKS!! I 'm sorry can you tell I am not a very happy camper. Later all I 'm gonna clean my room and see if I can get out of this funk I have been in for days.LATER ALL