Is my teeth pain TN? Anyone else like me?

Hi all and thank you for this page. I have been desperately trying to get some answers about why I have had teeth/jaw pain for the last 15 months. Finally, a dentist said TN and go see a Neurologist. I fortunately now have health insurance and an upcoming appointment. Here's what is happening. ABout 15 months ago, my bottom teeth, between the canines started to hurt. It is throbbing sharp and dull pain and electricity pain constantly throughout the day. Then add on some lightening pain periodically, primarily on the left side of my mouth . It is better in the mornings for the first 20-30 minutes, then it "heats up" during the day. The worst is in the evening, after work no longer distracts me. It is now intolerable, I'm exhausted, I'm irritable, I have memory problems. I did get a PCP to prescribe Elavil, but even 10 mg was intolerable due to the side effects.

I am very nervous about seeing the neurologist only in that this is my one shot to communicate 15 months worth of chaos in a appointment that will likely last 20 minutes. How do I let her know what is happening to me so I can get results?

And, is there any one else out there with TN that affects the teeth/roots/gums/jaw only?

I have have no dental work that could explain this. I was in a car accident 5 years ago and saw something about whiplash injuries possibly being connected to TN.

I apologize for rambling, if any one has any suggestions or insights, please let me know. I thank you ahead of time.

Mine is in my left lower jaw. Sharp jabs and electrical shock pains. When it's the sharp jabbing pains, it FEELS like it is localized to one tooth, like an ice pick constantly stabbing me there. When it's electrical, it radiates through the whole left lower jaw, like being shocked by a dog collar. Meds keep it under control for the most part, but I DO still have some pains, just not as severe as without meds. I also get tingly/burning feelings in my left jaw and cheek.

2 year survivor here : ) This is my fast guide I create that I wish I had right off the bat -

#1 - Please make sure your neuro HAS TN patients right now ---if not -- wastes your time--the doc will only need 10 min to figure out what to try first if they have experience....might want to call and see if they have TN patients, so you could book another neuro instead if you needed to

#2 - you are not on a TN med yet-Call your gp doc and ask for prescription lidocaine cream if face pain on skin - or lidocaine mouthwash if pain in mouth ASAP-should not need appt.

#3 - Just put Dental in the search box above and - it would take you a year to read all the dental related matters not now how you got it - you just need to treat it

#4 Go to google images -- Put in Trigeminal Neuralgia then put in atypical face pain or atypical facial pain

Whichever looks the most like you -- print that off for friends and family and doctor.

#5- I don't know how soon your appt. is - 2 ways to get really educated on this quickly (and you must)

a. Up above face pain tab

b. even better in my opinion is our bible here "Striking Back" by Dr. Ken Casey - Amazon, library wherever you can get it asap

The sooner you start-- the sooner the better of quality of life you will get closer to--we are here about 24/7 - so keep asking questions and posting here - and we'll help you through! Make a word doc and copy and paste the top 5 things you want to tell/ask your doc (once you've learned from us on the front lines) with illustration print out.

Finally, stress aggrevates TN and TN aggrevates stress -- so do as many calming things that you can - whether playing with pets, taking anti-anxiety meds or yoga, music - whatever helps.

Whew - hope this helps!


Mine started with a toothache on the right side, upper jaw. It got worse through the years. I never thought it could have got any worse. I WAS WRONG.