New pain management therapy plan my new neurologist got me on

Hi I went to the new neurologist on September 11th in kernersville NC and the dr stated I have been on too much medication for a year and my brain is confused so dr trying take me off some of this medication and narrow down me down to maybe 3-4 medications to see if we can slowly heal my pain and have me on pain management and therapy for 30 days before anymore surgeries or procedures are done bc the dr put my body under too my stress with those 6 surgeries with in 6 months. So I like this pain management plan she doing dr belain Hagen in kernersville neurologist. I can understand how the brain can get confused. Seems like because I have taking so many different pills up to 22 different kind and on pain patches also nothing is helping the pain… So the dr wants to gradually help me get off a lot of the medicine and only take what she may think will help the pain going forward. Praying and claiming this next part of my journey works… Stay tuned

Sounds promising, hoping that things look up for you.

Thank you

I thought I replied here! Did you finish the ketamine infusion?

I hope this brings you a new start!!!

How are you?

Oh Felicia! 6 surgeries in 6 months? What kind of surgeries? If you would rather not reply that's fine, or if you want to reply privately, that's ok too. Adding you as friend now. Did your hair get thinner? I had 3 surgeries 1 year and lost so much hair from too much anesthetic in a short time.

Blessings, Sheila

Felicia, I hope my healing energy thoughts work a little better this time, you are a brave soldier and I have you in my thoughts xx

Hope this new plan brings you pain free days.
