Neurontin question

I have been taking 300 mg of neurontin 3xs a day for the past two weeks, after having an allergi reaction to Tegretol . The neurontin seems to work okay at lessening the constant pain and "lightning"bolts, but wears off after 2 to 3 hours at best. Anyone else experience this? I see my neuro on Friday, so any info anyone can provide before that would be much appreciated!

Hi Christine,

I had the same experience. I'm talking past tense here because I've only been taking Neurontin for 3 weeks and while it worked ok for the 1st week or so, I'm back to the "normal" self now - that is back to constant pain, sometimes milder sometimes quite bad. But yes, for the first week I felt a lot better even when taking a dose as low as 100mg twice daily (I would take 300mg in the evening) and what I found is that the drug kicks in really fast but doesn't last more than 3 hours or so. Perhaps something to discuss with our neurologists.



Thanks for sharing ,Oldriska. I also felt quite good the first week on just 100 to 200 mg daily, but I was also taking prednisone. It seems we are having the same experience with this drug. I hope I can get some answers from the neuro!

Mine works well but I do take 900 mg x 3 doses per day. 900 is a relatively low dose.