
My doctor is having me try Neurontin again. I am taking 300 mg two times a day. I do notice that my face/eyes are puffy in the morning. I also notice that my pain is worse. Has anyone else had this issue with Neurontin? How long do you keep trying it to see if it works. I am so frustrated that my pain is worse and I feel funny on this drug. I have been taking it now for 6 days.

Give it another 14 days, a lot can happen between now and then. They gradually build up in the system. That is not to say it will work for you, sometimes they just don't and another avenue will have to be sought :(

hi i was on 300mg did nothing for me . but now on 600mg its a lot better some times helps for 3 or 4 hours but good days and bad days .. try takeing 2 tabs 600mg see if it works if it does tell your doctor. craig

As you are Type I you most likely will have another remission at some point. Unfortunately they are a bit like snow, we never know when they are coming. I know they are very welcome!

yes just trying difrent tabs at the mo and stong pain killers doc got me on 600mg gabapentine or neurontin to try .

yes 600 at one time