What now?

Well my 100 mg of Neurontin three time daily has officially stopped working. We have upped the dose to 300 mg at night and 100 mg twice during the day, which still hasn't worked. Has anyone been on Neurontin before and switched to Lyrica with success?

Another question I have is maybe my body is getting used to the med, has anyone tried going off of a med for some time to get it out of your system, then reintroducing it instead of going up on the dose?

Any imput is welcome, I really don't want to spend my life in a fog from meds, and topical compound creams didn't work, just gave me acne (at my age!!!)

Hi Catherine,
I was on Neurontin for roughly 1.5 months, my starting dosage was 500 mg/day, then I went up to 900 mg/day. I felt better the first week or so, then I felt worse (mostly due to side effects). I'm on Lyrica now, I take 75 mg in the morning and 75 again in the evening - my pain is less severe and I have more energy, my sleep pattern has improved (I 'only' need 8-9 hours of sleep a day as opposed to 10-12 on Neurontin before). Last week my psychiatrist added a low dosage of antidepressants (Cipralex), which is also helpful.
Take care,

Thank you so much, that really gives me hope! I know I definately don't want to go on the Tegratol or Trileptil, I have heard such horror stories hear! I can afford to raise the neurontin a little with the low dose I was taking, but much more and I'll be a zombie and I still have to work!

Thanks again and I'm glad that you have found releif!

hi ya cathrine i take 3 thousand 600mg of nurontine a day and they dont give me side affects and dont take the pain away compeltely i hope you can sort your tablets out and get a bit of pain releife

I have been taking Gabapentin (generic Neurontin) for years. I am still having a lot of painful episodes and I've generally been feeling awful, so I am weaning myself off of it now to see if it makes a difference. The pain seems about the same, which tells me this stuff has stopped being effective. I was feeling extreme fatigue, body aches, joint pain and depression; I went to my doctor who tested everything from thyroid to pancreas. Everything came back normal, so I decided to try going off this med to see if I might feel better. The fatigue has gone away, the depression has lifted somewhat but I still have a week to go before I am completely off. I am hoping my memory will improve, but maybe I'm just old! Good luck