Neurontin / Gabepentin

Neurontin / Gabepentin seems to work well for me. I also stop when pain begins to come on, but for those of you who must work, my heart goes out to you. TN pain can be unbearable. Before I had the microvascular decompression operation, I had pain so bad I couldn’t stand up, or do anything but writhe and try to throw up. It was horrifying. I wanted to die just to escape the pain. Now my pain comes and goes, but not like it did before. I’m steady with gabapentin, and take other meds to help me sleep. Acupuncture is very helpful and so is qigong (water tradition). - Peace.

I find Neurontin works well for me and seems kinder to my body than other meds I have taken for my TN.

Your experience and Jackie's seems to be fairly typical. Unlike Tegretol, Neurontin is metabolized (broken down) outside the liver. It is associated with fewer toxic allergic reactions, though clearly not everyone tolerates it well. My spouse has been on 2700 mg/day in divided doses for the past 10 years, with relatively few side effects.

Regards and best,


Glad to read the positives about neurontin. I just started it today after a severely allergic reaction to Tegretol , which was helping so much. I am hopeful, especially after reading these post.
Thank you all for sharing.

I have been taking gabapentin since end of May, so far I have done pretty well on it. as far as side effects. I have some dizziness and disorientation feelings with it but that comes and goes. My doctor just upped my meds to 3000 mg per day in divided doses so I am trying to get used to the new up. She added lidoderm patches for the facial pain/burning. So far, I still have alot of pain. I am hoping for the best. God bless.

Thanks for sharing. So glad you've found relief through your surgery. Neurontin helps me, too.

~ Vicki

Gabapentin did nothing for me...i was still in alot of pain...then they added trileptal back now i'm pain free i still some at night....but nothing like i was (praises)....hopefully my Neuro will wean me off of the Gabapentin and she may that i have no pain...god bless

My doctors told me it’s okay to take an extra gab. when my pain is worse due to a more than usual amount of stress in a day. I do occassionally take that extra one, but try to keep the frequency of doing it down so it doesn’t become another pill a day added to all the rest. Actually, I am going to try to cut back, but so far, any attempts to do that have always resulted in increased pain, so my brain needs to be “tricked” into thinking it doesn’t need as much medication. At least this is my hypothesis, and why not hypothesize since nobody has come up with an exact science of how to deal with this pain monster so far. Honestly, what I really need to do is watch my diet and caffiene intake more - well, not just watch it, but control it better! LOL.

Jackie, Is there a certain diet to prevent weight gain while on

neurotin, or gaba? I have been drinking the small protein shakes because

of the pain. I have gained 7 lbs since May 7, 2012, I am shocked.

I dare not eat a meal, especially in the evening. Just wondering what

to do.


Jackie said:

I find Neurontin works well for me and seems kinder to my body than other meds I have taken for my TN.