Had this monster for almost 2 years— been on FMLA for 2 months (zero income has been almost as painful!) — can’t chew anything with texture — flare ups are relentless — meds are as maxed as I WANT to tolerate — LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING MY LIFE BACK!
God willing, I’ll update as can on my experience; I have enjoyed / been informed from everyone else’s stories…thank you!
All the best of wishes Cris, we’ll get through it together and I sincerely pray that we both find relief at the end of this!
I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous, I haven’t slept in days in anticipation for tomorrow, I’ll catch up on sleep during the surgery ha, ha!
Look forward to sharing our mvd journey together!
Take good care of you!
(( hugs)) Mimi
Cris I have always enjoyed reading your posts as they are always inspirational and positive, now my turn to send inspirational and positive thoughts to you xxxxx
Hi Cris,
Was browsing and noticed your scheduled for MVD on friday. Wanted to wish you lots of luck. You will be in my prayers as you embark on your journey for a new beginning of a Pain Free life. Hoping for all the best and a poitive outcome, keep us posted on your recovery!
My Best
Thanks guys! …very anxious, scared and just ready for it to be over with… Been a rough few months; but I truly feel confident in my surgeon and team.
I love this site! - so much info, such great people! I’ll send updates as possible!
God bless y’all!
Hello Chris, I’m Bellalarke. It’s pretty exciting around here these days with all the MVDs. Yours is getting so close now. Your emotions must be on a roller coaster!
I have been knocked back financially by this disease as wells and know that pain too, so I truly hope you get back on your feet…and in more ways than one. I see from the other discussion you’re also itching to get back up and running and losing weight.
All the very best to you on Friday and will be sending good vibes. Please keep us posted.
Good Luck please share! I'm on the waiting list and a little scared not been suffering as long as youI also enjoy exercise and still try and do some gentler forms like walking the dog, have been a weight watcher for many years and when i reached goal i was so pleased now the weight is creeping up and frrustated at not being able to keep it down. Looking forward to updates wishing you well x x
Thanks for the encouragement! Right now, my nerves are starting to take over…TOTALLY trust my doc, just DREAD the process…be leaving for Cincinnati tomorrow! Your prayers and all are very much appreciated!
Congratulations Cris! Mine was in Nov. I was a nervous wreck before. I even started getting anxiety rashes! haha It's normal to be nervous and anxious. It's easier said than done, but keep focusing on all the positives coming your way afterwards. And FYI: I am TN and ATN free! :)