13 Days Post MVD Sucess!

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since my MVD and I just wanted to post a little encouragement for those who will follow. I am so glad I had the proceedure done. Worth it! Two days in Hospital then home. Take it easy several days. Had some double vision and headache that got better everyday. Now, no pain and staples are out. I cant wait to go to Church this am. Oh, I will be driving myself. Praise the Lord! Thanks to Dr. Sunil Patel, staff and MUSC and this web site. So Glad to hear Mimi is doing well. Keep post coming. Shindig next. You will be in my prayers too.

Congratulations! I am 3 1/2 months post MVD and remaining pain free. I wish the same success for everyone.

So glad for you, It must be bliss to be pain free.

Great to hear you are doing well. I’m now 3.5 months post MVD also and painfree and now meds-free as of 4 days ago!! I love hearing about successful surgeries. I just wish everyone here could also be painfree and feel the release from TN pain!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful news!

Way to Go Kimburlee!!
So happy for you!
I’m doing well, really happy to see your update!
Take care of you!
(( hugs )) Mimi

Hi Kimberlee,

I try to search who is scheduled for surgery and who has had MVD or scheduled. So happy for you Kimberlee that you are doing well in your recovery and are pain free. Its defintely worth it. Those whom have recently gone tru MVD are positive results. Wonderful news! Its encouraging. I wish you nothing but the best you have now entered a beginning of a new life. Go Bless you and keep us posted on your continued sucess.

My Best


This is beautiful and welcome news! Thanks for posting, Kimberlee. So encouraging for those of us contemplating this surgery. May your heart fill with joy when you go to church.
Peace and Kindness

Such great news!! I will be having my MVD this Friday and am looking forward to pain free days. You’re story is inspiring

God bless!

That is great news, appreciate you sharing, I am looking pursuing have the MVD in September, My surgeon is telling me consider it successful if we can cutt the pain levels in half and the meds in half, Glad to hear some are totally pain free

Thank you for posting Kimburlee! Please all that have good MVD news, continue to post! I have found my MVD surgeon but after only having this for 3 months, he wants me to wait a bit on meds before going down that path. I can't wait for my successful day (sounds odd that I'm looking forward to a little brain surgery). I know it will be a success and appreciate all the stories and encouragement!!

Congratulations to all who have had successful mvd’s. I am showing signs of having type 2 and therefore I was told by two neurosurgeons that I was not a candidate. I am also having good pain relief on the Tegretol but I definitely do not feel my spunky self. Any words of wisdom from those of you who have gone through this. What made you take the final step? If you were in my shoes would you try to proceed with an mvd. Feeling tired these days!

Thank you shindig! I really need to stay on this thing while my meds are at a low dose and my head is on straight. Pain is at bay for the most part but one never knows when things will change. Our stories sound similar in that I experience pain on the entire right side of my head…not just my face. The first and second surgeon said I had atypical facial pain and therefore not a surgical candidate. He said the surgery could make it worse. I had a root canal and I adjusted the tension on my glasses and poof! I seem to be better. Crawling…tingling…burning sensation still there but not the shocks, jabs and ax like category 10 pain like when I was first diagnosed.

Hey girl! So sorry it has taken me this long to write. I am happy that you had a successful surgery. I too LOVE Dr. Sunil Patel and his nurse Christa. They have treated me well and have done a lot for me. So how are you now? I thought about trying to visit you while you were there but didn’t want to be intrusive. I am still having issues with this CSF leak & the pressure from that spurs other pain. I am severely depressed right now from many things and just trying to figure out what to do next. I have a lot of neck & shoulder pain. Had an injection a little over a week ago and it helped but the relief lasted just less than a week.

Hope you are doing well. Please let me hear from you.


I had both types and woke up pain-free after my MVD.

Christine said:

Congratulations to all who have had successful mvd's. I am showing signs of having type 2 and therefore I was told by two neurosurgeons that I was not a candidate. I am also having good pain relief on the Tegretol but I definitely do not feel my spunky self. Any words of wisdom from those of you who have gone through this. What made you take the final step? If you were in my shoes would you try to proceed with an mvd. Feeling tired these days!

I saw Dr. Patel last week. He said I have developed hydrocephalus. Oh joy. He thinks the CSF leak is the cause of my neck and shoulder pain and he wants to put a VP shunt in. Another surgery…not sure I am ready for that.