
When to get my MRI done today, when it was about to start I had to stop the technician and tell her to stop everything I felt like I couldn’t breathe and my chest was hurting, Was like an anxiety attack or something. I ask my DR for something to calm me down or make me sleep. I almost ran out of there. :frowning: wish me luck for next monday.


This is not an unusual reaction so don't feel bad about it. Good Luck for Monday.


Very common…some facilities have what is called open MRI…maybe hey can book one of those for you… Or relax with a pill and do it that way…it will be ok


I would ask your doctor -- or do some research on it -- I don't know why they would have them if they were not effective --

yikes!! I have mine sceduled for thursday-- they said it is an open MRI. Maybe you could see if they have one of those... ;-)

i had mine on friday, i think it was open, but i have no idea...for the last pics they put dye in my blood...when they pulled me out to give me the shot, i had a bad attack and could not talk or hardly move...and the nurse was freaking out lol i was finally able to say trigeminal neuralgia through clenched teeth and then they at least knew it was not a stroke or something. asked for a pen and paper, but never got it...the pain dropped off some so i could sort of talk, got the shot and got the rest over with. the moral of this story? it is very possible that the people working there have zero idea why you are there, so mention it, just in case. now the mri part was cool. what a trip that a huge magnet is all around you , it buzzes and clicks, i had ear plugs in so it was not that loud, i just closed m eyes and went with it...and except for the pain deal, it was enjoyable ;-] also where i got it done they will give the scans on a cd right there. call first and ask, as i dont know if yours might charge. but now i have scans of my brain! lol i cant make head from tails on it but still neat to look at...good luck