Medical marijuana

has anyone tried this and what results??? thanks

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Mary Jane can absolutely be your friend. I've tried it before and it absolutely took the pain away. The problem is I can't do anything when I'm high haha

I haven't tried medical marijuana but just "ordinary" marijuana from a friend who uses it for various ailments and is versed in the different kinds of the plant (where I come from it is tolerated to have some for your own use). It helped a lot both with the pain and the anxiety which I sometimes get when the pain peaks. Also, I didn't need to take much, I only smoked very little so it didn't impair my thinking as much as some meds. I slept very well and had no nightmares and nightsweats as compared to e.g. Lyrica, which had this side-effect on me. I did not use marijuana long enough though to be able to tell how it affects one long-term.

Several of my doctors have mentioned this as an option to me. I resisted because I have two teenage sons and did not want to be a hypocrite in my "no weed" policy in the house. Finally, my 18 year-old, who is a regular smoker, convinced me to get an RX. The marijuana sold in dispensaries is very potent. Even the weakest varieties knock me flat on my butt. I am a 50 year old man weighing 200 pounds. You have decide if you want to be giggly or a zombie. I tried both. Being a zombie just knocked me out but I have medication I can take that is much easier. The giggly made me pain-free unless I thought about the pain. The pain is not gone, you are just too distracted from it to remember you are in pain. That is not such a bad thing if you have nothing to do. I am a single parent. Although I would love to sit in our hammock all day, I have to accomplish some things. I take two Percocet 10/325 and one 200 mg three times a day and I can totally function at regular levels. With the marijuana I can barely get up to pee. I know it hits everyone differently but I say pass. Who wants to wake up at 6 a.m. to get the kids up for school and take a hit of weed? Edibles take up to 2 hours to kick-in and mess me up even more. This is just my own personal experience.

I'm quite the opposite, if I smoke herb I get energetic, talkative, etc, I work as a programmer and smoke throughout the workday. I take oxycontin before and after work as well.

For me hash has been way better than smoking buds at relieving pain. I can feel my facial muscles relax right after taking a puff, and I think it puts me in a more positive mood. My gf of 10 years has never tried it, but she doesn't mind me using it.

I have had considerable relief from using cannabis.

I am concerned about starting tegratol because of the tiredness factor that I keep hearing about plus other things.

I have been taking Neurontin because I also have fibromyalgia but that too causes tiredness.

Would like to get off some of these meds if possible.

If the cannabis works and is so much less toxic, it seems to be a good answer, but of course, if you want to travel, that's another story.

As a nurse with ATM2, I have already lost my job because I can’t function and drive on tegretol. As well, I.wouldn’t be able to work on marijuana. I’d rather be on the marijuana because it helps with nausea, increases appetite and enhances mood. Is this disease an acceptable one for medicinal products?

Look up neuropathic pain and canibis on google