Does Medical Marijuana help with TN Pain

There has, as everybody knows, been a huge controversy on the subject of Medical Marijuana. This is even hard for me to ask. I Taught Drug Abuse Resistance Education ( D.A.R.E. ) classes to over 5000 students over the years. I extolled the dangers of Marijuana and had firm opinions on its use; especially since I was a cop.

Would medical marijuana help with my TN pain. What even spurred this mode of thinking was all the complications of the mads I was taking. I lost over 1 dozen teeth in a year. The dentist told me he believed it was my meds. I googled and the second and third hit came up with discussion groups on how they had a sudden loss of teeth. They all dealt with the drug Lyrica. The teeth just plain broke off or fell out. I have 9 teeth remaining and they manage to hold my partials in.

I quit Lyrica a short time later just to ease the medication load and my wife doesn’t like the " Way I am " when using them. This decision was made well before I learned of its possible side effects on teeth. In the past few months my TN has flared relentlessly and I was considering picking up the Lyrica since it did help ease my pains a lot. I just happened to research the tooth loss, since my Nuero said ha had never heard of a med he gave me causing teeth to fall out.

Now stuck with the dilemma I considered the unthinkable. Taking a pill form of THC. When I check on the internet one side states it cures everything from hemmeroids to runny nose. The other side equally states with a fervor that it’s spawn of the devil and I might as well just jump straight to heroin.

I live in Washington State so obtaining it legally is not an issue. I have strong feelings but am also desperate. Anybody have any knowledge of someone using it for Tri-Geminal and what was the outcome?

Put medical marijuana in the search box here
Many responses!

Then google neuropathic pain and THC
research a little

I would watch the CNN. Sanjay Gupta

Two parts…

Called Weed and Weed 2

People have used this plant for thousands of years… Leave your past
at the door and get some help without side effects!! You deserve to have a better path.

There is science on your side… No judgements!

I tried it once. It made me stoned, but the pain was still there. I'm not opposed to medical mid, and I used it in the past for about a month (for a perpetual nauseated stomach). I enjoyed it then. This time, though, I just felt out of touch. Icky and in pain.

You have to find a particular strain of MJ that works on pain.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains that pain receptors can be made better with THC.

There is a lot if you hit search, but personally I use it gratefully

I have bilateral, T1 (v1-2) and I was in the hospital monthly for IV pain meds. I take tegretol, Neutron, amatryptalin, and Topomax. Medical marijuana has at least made it so I don’t have to add a bunch of pain meds (that didn’t even work that well) and I am grateful.

Good luck

I just finished watching the CNN Special. CBD apparently has little or none of THC ingredient involved in it. I’ll talk with my doc in a while. I just need to gather more corroborating info. It would be wonderful if it worked. Thanks for the info.


One thing for sure about it,it's not going to hurt you and will probably help.In your state you should be able to find a strain closely developed for neuro pain.In Texas,you can still get locked in a cell for it.So stupid.

After trying tegretol and anti-inflammatories and even thc pills and other meds for four years, I prefer to use only marijuana on a daily basis to help relieve my pain and to help with my loss of appitite. The previous assortment of medicine my neurologist had prescribed to me calling it a “cocktail” of drugs made me too dizzy and zombie-like to have a normal day and I stopped going to school and went through depression and lost a lot of weight until I stopped the drugs and tried something new to numb my face. Now I feel great after I smoke and I can’t wait until medical marijuana is legalized everywhere so people like me don’t have to feel bad or guilty like we are breaking the law or a horrible person or hippy stoner when we’re simply trying to live a pain free life so we can contribute positive vibes to the universe and be a productive happy member of society. No judgment here.