Many thanks to kimberliegh, jo,judy, grace and sarah

Hi not sure if this is how i reply to you all??? i am not all that good on these sort of sights!! I would like to say a big thank you to you all fro thinking about me and contacting me. I thouught i was going mad last week and have clamed down abit now…
I have still got some pain in my face/jaw but its livable now. I have been taking the amitriptyline and a cocktail of pain killers and it seems to be working at the moment but it’s at the back of my mind all the time that another attack could be on it’s way and when??? My GP is very good and has helped me through 2 unsuccesful back operations whihc have left me in chronic back pain fro many many years so i am no stranger to pain but the pain i had last wednesday night was nothing i had ever experienced before (i put tuesday on my first blog but that goes to sure how off my head i was!!). He advised me not to take the amitriptline together with dihydrocodeine as it can make you feel sick so i ahve taken ibuprfena dn paracetal at night and i ahve slept, i did wake up in the night and feel like my face was full of pins and needles and panicked thinking i was on for another 4 hour stint of spasms ect but i was lucky i just feel back to sleep.

It doesnt help that ihave had a stinking cold since last monday and i wonder if this could ahve been the trigger??? if any one could tell me???

I think my pain is the type 2 as it was a dull ache that lead it a even more painfull dull ache in my top left side teeth adn lower tteth as well with sharp shorting pain coming from my jaw upwards to my mouth whihc left this area feeling pretty numb-just like the feeling coming back from having a injection at the dentist! this comes and goes throught out the day and i felt a bit rough yesterday but it didn’t get any worse .

I called into my local library and tried to find a book on TN and there was nothing there at all so will look on amozon to find the striking back book, can anyone give me the name of the author please?

My daughter has been worrying over me and i have had to drag her into school most mornings because she wants to stay at home and look after me (she also doesn’t like school so any old excuse haha) but yesterday she asked me if i had cried today and i said no and she went in fine today so i must make more effect to hide how i am feeling fro her as she is so sensitive and worries, but then in the next breath she tells me if i want to cry then cry!!!

I will be seeing my GP on firday so will see what happens then, he had told me to take 2 of the amitriptyline after 3 days but i felt up to just having the one but not sure if i have done right or not??? I have spent so many years taking painkillers for my back and trying to go through the pain as natural as possible that i want to try to do the same with this but i have a sneaking feeling this is going to be the case with TN. I just live in hope that i will be lucky and not suffer like you all have as my heart goes out to you all when i have read what you have typed…

I feel that because my ‘life’ as i know it now has been really affected by my back anyway and i have had to really stop doing a lot of things already maybe this wont make such a difference??? I hate being off my head and trying to drive when i am on the painkillers and trying to do normal things. i feel like i am one step behind everyone else. how anyone could choose to feel this way with taking illegial drugs if beyond me!!!

I will stop now but thanks to all of you fro all your support and i will let you know how i got on at the GP on firday xx

Hi Michelle,

We are all here to support each other. You are more than welcome.

Hope you get on ok Friday, let us know,

Love Jo X x

Michelle…Yes I agree with Jo. No one undertands like we do how this can affect one’s every day life and every little thing we do. Like friends have said to me before they understood the condition"Well. you look OK to me" or “You don’t look sick at all” They should see me after a few days of unrelenting pain! anytime you want to vent…you know where to find some friends! Judy

thanks again and will keep you informed. bit sore today and teeth still feel ‘wobbley’ when i brush them but i am ok!

Michelle, I hope you are feeling a bit better now, the book I reffered to was

“STRIKING BACK! The trigeminal Neuralgia, and face pain handbook” it is written by George Weigel and Kenneth F Casey MD.

Its a bit on the pricey side, especially to get to the UK, but it is a resource that I refer to time and time again, and a valuable investment for anyone with face pain. I hope that it will be of help to you.