hi, i got on ok at my DR’s. he is a good DR and helped me through all my Back problems ect . He was very pleased that i ahve managed with just the one amiytripline (cant spell it) he seemed to be pretty clude up on TN and said he has known some people get over it in 2-3 months or can take years ect. he was concerned about my hearing as there is a type of TN that caises damage to your hearing but i think the deafness i have is to do with the cold i have. which he siad could ahve triggered the attack, he told me to try and keep warm and calm-not so easy with a 9 year old with hormones rushing through her body at the moment!haha. i have gone out and bought myself a hat with the ears covered- its going to take some time to get used to wearing it haha.it is freezing at the moment and will wear it up the school later.
The pain is still felt in my jaw and face but nothing compared to how it has been.today was the first time i was able to brush my teeth without feeling like they were going to fall out. chewing is still a bit of a problem and i imagine most if it is because i am frightened that excess chewing could bring another attack on. i live with that thought now with everything i do and i guess i will get used to it???
MY GP wants me to see him in middle of january and see how i am , i never mentioned seeing a nuerologist as didnt have time ect but will bring it up in the new year.
i must go as i need to hide some christmas presents before Niamh finds then later!!
I’m glad you got on ok at the doctors. It helps if you have got a good GP. Some of them can be pretty horrible. There’s one at our surgery who should have a revolving door, you are in and out so quickly.
I’ve been Christmas shopping as well today, wasn’t it freezing! I had my head wrapped up pretty good but the wind still managed to catch me out a couple of times.
I’m now the expert at “Right sided eating” and though I am quite self conscious when I am eating in public, I am getting more used to it.
I have another appointment at the Oral Surgery Unit next week and will let you know how I get on.
I’m now taking 700mg Tegretol a day, and feel spaced out most of the time. So much so I have taken 3 days off work to take things a bit easier.
Take care Michelle and make sure you hide those presents well!
Hi, thanks fro being in touch. i am so used to back pain but this is not my normal ‘flare’ up, its another disc this time so when i go back to my GP for the TN i will be demanding a MRI scan for my back as well! I was ment to hobble over to my mums this morning to get my hair cut but i couldnt do it. my TN felt like it was coming last night, i could feel the first tingling and pain in my tooth so took some pain killers and hoped for the best and touch wood it did not get any worse, all i kept thinking was " please dont come on top of my back as i cant craawl up in agony as my back wouldnt let me!" i feel sick to my stomache at the momnt as i can not do much at all and seeing my poor mum hobble about trying to help me -she goes into hospital on thurseday for a new Hip! its like the blind leading the blind at the moment!!! my 9 yr old is trying to help but once she saw i was up out of bed she thinks i am back to normal so there where ‘words’ this morning and the threat of one xmas present coming of the list…its so hard as she shouldnt have to do what i am asking of her but then it is just me and her and she is old enough to help more. Have you heard of the saying 'life is a bitch???..