Life is a constant change

Well, I have a couple of days left before meeting with homelessness. I have my faithful dogs and a little bit of money from selling my things to get me on my way.

I picked up 3 refills of my medication and I am grateful that I have been able to reduce the meds because the pain is taking a break. I don't know what happens next on my journey. I don't know what things went really bad for me during this time of my life and I can't promise that better is the next door opening. I don't know that for a fact, I only know that one day at a time and as I continue to go forward there will be a better day than yesterday. I will find a home, a job and all of this will be an amazing dream that gradually disappears with time.

I will continue to write my story because I think those of you who are suffering through with TN need to know that changing our lifestyles may not be easy but if it helps to take away the pain we suffer, it would be worth it. I laugh whenever I think of the sharp pain and how it would appear without warning. I recall the day it came on me so fast and I was driving to a meeting at work. The pain was so intense I had to pull over and sit in my car. I rocked and cried because I knew I would not make it to my meeting. I was also scared because driving when this pain hits can be a bit challenging and dangerous.

My friend I may not write often but I will keep you posted with my journey. I ask that you continue to send positive energy my way. I am asking for help. I don't know where I am going next but I will continue to go forward. I think about Washington state, Oregon or even the neighbor Idaho it just seems to be a large challenge because no one wants to accept a person with two dogs.

Thank you for following along with this leg of my journey.

Sorry you are having such a bad time with things at the moment. I am a Reiki practitioner and we are taught to just be aware of the moment, yesterday has gone, tomorrow not here yet. Will send you healing thoughts and hope all goes well for you. Mary

Hi Daydreamer. I'm so sorry you're experiencing such turmoil at this point in your life. I, too, have been homeless because of a dog. It was well worth it to live in a tent for a while, knowing that she, as a loved family member, would be safe. But I didn't have TN at the time. I wish you well on your journey. Hug your dogs often. And reach out whenever you need an ear.


My thoughts are with you, I could not contemplate being homeless even without TN. Keep safe, enjoy the company of your dogs and look for something positive in each new day.

If possible, keep off the processed food loaded with chemicals. Eliminate tea and coffee. Worked for me.