It has been a while since I have written anything to my TN family. Yes, I call you all my family because we have each other when no one else seems to understand our pain.
I quit my job, February 14, 2014. I worked from home for Blue Cross Blue Shield and work was very stressful. The stress would cause my TN to flair and I would experience blurred vision thanks to the medicine my doctor had prescribed. I also moved to Libby, Mt, a very small town and well today I feel as if I am one step from becoming homeless. However, I will admit that, in the face of the unknown, the peacefulness of my surroundings has lessened the pain I once felt with TN.
I think the lesson I have learned is that to live with TN means admitting that I have a neurological thing happening. This thing that will be with me for the rest of my life. That is what my neurologist has told me. Changing my work load from high stress to anything I can do that is less stressful has helped. Taking time to relax and meditate has helped. Changing my eating habits to including more leafy veggies and a few less cookies, has helped. I still take my medication but I have reduced the dosage because the pain has been reduced.
The thing I wished to share with you today is that I am learning to live one day at a time. I am learning to worry less about what happens tomorrow and when the pain hits, which thankfully it hasn't in a while, I sit quietly let the tears flow and breathe because the pain will pass and life will continue to be lived one day at a time. An amazing lady told me a few years ago when this began to always take my meds even when the pain seemed to have disappeared, take the meds because it will lessen the pain when it reappears. This message was from a lady who had suffered with TN for over fifty years. I don't know how she is doing today but she taught me to enjoy the quiet days and to take things one day at a time.
Thanks for reading and I hope these words will bring someone a little peace in their life. You are not alone. Sometimes the best medicine is reducing the stress that is in your day to day life.