I finally made it into homelessness

I have been blessed that during this dreadful time of my life TN has not kicked me further down. I have driven to Portland, Oregon in hopes to better my situation but today I will admit life is unsettling. I continue on with faith and my belief that there will be a day in which my life will be better and that I will have a job and a place to live. It seems funny that just a year ago I did not worry about these things. It seems funny that there was a time in which all I worried about was how I can maintain my job when the pain was taking over so much of my time. I haven't experienced much pain just a few bolts to remind me that it could at any moment wake up to give me something else to cry about. Today, I am happy that this pain is on a break.

By the way, for those new to the pain, it does take breaks. I don't know why or what I may have done to cause this gap in pain but I want to share that the deep pain has been gone for about a year or so. I quit my job and decided to continue school and true since that time my life has been turned upside down but the pain has gone to sleep. Maybe, I was very stressed at my job. I am not sure. I am looking for work now and I will admit that having TN makes me nervous because what if it returns after I finally begin to get my life together. Do I admit that I have TN to potential employers? How do you deal with work and TN?

I am continuing the blog of my journey. For those interested in following along my old blog is kelise1967.blogspot.com and my new blog is under kelise2015.blogspot.com

I will try to post and give encouragement to you as I continue on my journey. If the pain returns I will share the details because this is the only way we can each grow from the pain. Learn from our pain and live in spite of having TN.

Take care my TN family.

I'm sorry things have been so tough. I know the feeling, have been through some very difficult times the last five years. Aside from a recent terrible flare, things are much better now. Everything is temporary, good, bad, or indifferent! I don't work because my husband has a tbi and I care for him. He's so much better than he was right after it happened, but there are a lot of things he still can't do. Even so, he is very loving and supportive of me and is helpful when I am not well. Just my two cents, but I think it's always better to be honest, concerning your employer. Hang in there, and thank you for sharing!