Hi there pwil, I want to welcome you to the Living with Facial Pain community. I hope you will be able to use the resources and support that can be found in this community. I see that you love pets and I love them as well . I have two dogs at my house that I devote a lot of my time to. I recommend that you use the guide tab at the top to get started and use the search bar if you are looking for anything in particular. I also recommend that you read and comment in the forum tab. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.
Iām so happy. I found this site, I thought I was the only one going through this, because my doctor is new to this pain. This site is very helpful. Now I know other folks are out there.
Hi PWill,
I am from Virginia too. We TN folks are everywhere but it feels so dramatic and isolating it is hard to realize. I just read a tweet from Lady Gaga that she has been diagnosed with it and trying stem cell therapy. An option for the rich.
I live in Alexandria if you need a friend in person. Call and we will have a coffee or something.
This is a good site. I am treated at the Cleveland Clinic. I used to go to Johns Hopkins but their option is brain surgery which I had with them unsuccessfully.
Here we discuss meds, alternative ways to manage pain and good providers. I also track clinic trials for TN and can show you how to do this for your area. Above all we support each other.
Welcome again! Thanks for joining us.