Let's welcome OtterHealth from Washington!

@OtterHealth hey there Patrick, I am pleased to introduce you to the wonderful community of Living With Facial Pain! Oh, a land surveyor, I’m not really familiar with it, what do you usually do? I enjoy photography as well! What photos do you normally take? I’m guessing you love nature? By the way, I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. But, I’m glad that Google brought you here. How’s life going? I hope everything’s going well with you at the moment.

If there’s a specific topic you are looking for, just click the search icon (top right), it is a big help! Oh, well, I saw that you’ve already created your first post! So, I guess you’re already familiar with this search thing (HAHA). I hope this welcome greeting isn’t too late at all, even though it was! But, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! :smile:


Thank you for the welcome message. I just got an MRI and will have my first neurologist appointment in a week. After that visit, I’ll be a lot more clued in to what applies to my case.

:wave: Patrick how was your Neuro appointment?