@Crissy976 hello there Christine, welcome to the community of Living With Facial Pain! Would you mind if I asked what your work is? how was it? I hope you’re having fun. Oh, so you’re planning your wedding! Well, I wish you lots of love and happiness! By the way, I’m so glad to have you here so early to your diagnosis and I think you just came to the right place to learn more about your newly diagnosed condition. I’m sorry to hear about these ear issues of yours, I hope they’re not making your everyday life difficult. How are you doing? I hope everything’s going well with you during this pandemic.
I’m so glad to have you here and I hope that we could be of any help to you during this journey of yours. I see that you still haven’t read some topics or posts. So, I encourage you to please start doing so! As you may know, we have lots of members here who loves sharing their own symptom and treatment experiences. Therefore, if there’s a specific topic you’re looking for, just use the search icon (top right), and it will show you every possible information you needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!