Last Day of Work

I know I haven’t been on here lately, but working was kicking my butt! I have just been so tired and having increased pain. So, Tuesday my boss and HR finally decided it was time for me to go. They couldn’t accomodate the part-time hours my doctor has me on any longer. They chose today as my last day. A bit shocking for it to be so quick. I am having very mixed emotions but am hoping to feel better shortly, having the stress of work out of the mix (and there is a ton of stress going on here right now). Just wanted to say hi and let you all know I will be back online more often again. I cannot wait to catch with my old friends and make new ones. You all are so supportive and it will be nice to be with folks who can understand. . .



Hey Debbie!

I am so Sorry to hear this about your Job! I am very proud of you for all the hard work you’ve been doing! You had a busy, stressful position at your work - and doing such a job with TN and all the required meds - was a huge thing! This is why it’s easy to be proud of you! It is not an easy thing to deal with when one is not working - where you are today, is where I was 18 months ago. That is low long ago my employers decided to let me go, and I have been on the disability pension since.

I just want to let you know that I too am thinking of you and wishing you and your family well! Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you around the site soon!

Best wishes to you for a pain free day Debbie!

Cheers ~ Kerry xx