Lack of sleep a trigger?

We all know the feeling. Laying in bed wide awake, unable to sleep. You've taken your zoplicone (or sleepaid of choice) and yet just feel drowsy and in pain, instead of just in pain.

The person beside you snores, as you toss and turn. You watch the hours go by on the alarm clock. Four hours left until you have to wake up, now three, now two....

I had a night like that last night, and I think it makes my GN worse. Each time I have one of these bouts, I find it takes days to catch up on the sleep. It takes days to recover and get back to the "normal" that we call survival.

I guess what I am asking is this. Does anyone else find their pain level goes through the roof if they cannot, or choose to not get enough sleep? Today I am riding on about an hour sleep, and have to work a 9 hour day. I am finding myself dragging my feet, struggling to get through.


Oh god yes, lack of sleep turns the volume up sooner in the day and full tilt. I take zoplicone too but if I’ve had a particularly stressful, usually emotional stuff, or I’ve been doing too much, and I can’t get to settle, I do progressive relaxation, you name it, but if after a time I’m still not able to allow my head to rest on a pillow, I get up and add Xanax to the handful of other stuff I’m taking. I used to frown on drugs but now it’s like give me what my system can handle because I can’t operate in the world without sleep. So the Xanax takes the edge off enough for the rest of the meds to work the way they’re supposed to. Then I sleep hard and it’s good.

Sorry you had one of those nights. I can imagine what you day must be like. Hope it’s better tonight.

Yup, I have been awake since 3:30 AM; just made another pot of coffee to get threw the day. This happen about 10 days ago, and it took two days to recover. Also, during those two days every time I took my meds I felt high for a bit afterward.

Sorry you have to go work, that is the worse. I am thankful I am on Medical EI for now, and not working.

Sleep is so important to heal.

Take Care,


Thanks for the reply!

I am sure tonight will be better. I have a very supportive wife who will take care of the kids while I disapear into the sheets as soon as I get home. Of course my dog might not let me sleep right away, but that is another story.

Xanax huh... I'll have to look at that. My doctor gives me Oxazepam to take when Zoplicone just isnt cutting it. I think tonight is one of those nights.


That’s great that you’ve got a supportive wife and a good bed to look forward to when you get home. Hope you are making it through the day.

I looked up Oxazepam, it has anti- convulsant properties as well as anxiolytic, so if it works, that’s a boost for the next day. Yeah, the Xanax, been using it off and on for a decade, ever since my divorce. It does the trick but not so much when I get too used to it so now I use it sparingly and it’s back to its old magic. I must have an affinity for it! But like any other “lover”, you can’t abuse it:)

Sleep well.

Another thought, I really need to watch any sugar consumption in the evening, it can disrupt my sleep patterns like crazy.

Yah sugar in the evening is a tough one. I tend to get hungry just before bed, I mean really really hungry.

I slept really well last night - my dog had to be coerced to leave the bed :)

Hope you all have a pain reduced day.


Me too. Sometimes I put a few fresh walnuts with a couple of gogi berries in the coffee grinder, you’d be surprised how well they fluff up, not hard to chew, not too sweet, but satisfying.

Great you had a good sleep, hope that translates into a better pain day. I’ve had to ban my cat from the bedroom too…they look so woebegone…but it has to be done.


Bellalarke - Interesting idea. I would have to substitute another nut since I am allergic to a lot of them, but the concept is a good one.

Shindig - GET SOME SLEEP!!! J/K glad you are still able to think so soon.


Man, I hope you get to go home soon, and get to really relax. Get into your PJ's and watch re-runs of your favorite shows. Did you "acquire" any digital format of something to watch? I know that would be high on my priority list.

Oh and a good vaporizor ... ... ...