How do you get through the nights?

I have found that instead of enjoying bedtime as I used to I now dread it. I would completely try to avoid it if it weren't for a) my complete exhaustion and b) wanting to sleep next to my gf (like normal). However, both of those reasons don't ever really seem to be enough for me to actually get to sleep. What ends up happening is I will go to bed at the same time as her, with water and an empty cup. Every 2-5 minutes I am sitting up, because I am struck with moments of severe pain, and I rinse my mouth with the water and spit it out (thankfully something this simple helps...even if it's very temporary). I take my Neurontin, which my body is still adjusting too, I've only been on it for about 3-4 days now, I was also given Ambien...which I think has worked once or twice (or I may have been so exhausted I slept regardless of the pain). I am very iffy on the Ambien because I have taken it a couple times (including last night) and I slept very little, if at all. Last night my gf and I even tried sleeping on the couch so I could prop myself up as I feel more comfortable that way instead of laying down, which seems to make the pain worse and more frequent.

Does anyone have any suggestions or little 'tricks' they use to help them fall asleep?

Please help me...I am exhausted and running on fumes right now :-/

Thank you,


Ambien has to be taken in the short window that you are in bed and want to go to sleep - or are tired

I use Melatonin -because its natural and doesn't give me that hung over feeling like benedryl or trazadone (which are okay)

I use lidocaine -- cream or patch RX ---- keeps pain away while I'm in bed -- or during the day -- 12 hours for patch

I am an insomniac living on the wrong side of the clock --- since infancy (50 yrs) -- so sleep can be very elusive --- the ONE time many of us have no TN pain IS when we are asleep.

Its getting there that is the problem!

Keep posting!

Can you get Melatonin OTC? It seems like if I can get in to a deep sleep I have no problem. But like last night and many nights since this began, I will drift off for about 5-10(if I'm lucky) mins and then I will wake up with searing pain and have to rinse my mouth so it doesn't hurt. I talked to my doctor today and she has added Nortriptyline to my Gabapentin. Hopefully that will help, if not she said she will refer me to a neurosurgeon to discuss other options.

Yes, you can take up to 8 mg of OTC - cheap - at your nearest drugstore or walmart --- not sure where you live - but it's easy to get. Also from your doctor you can get lidocaine mouthwash that will numb!!!

Good Luck!

Try the Melatonin it is really good and all natural get the strong one......

peanut said:

Can you get Melatonin OTC? It seems like if I can get in to a deep sleep I have no problem. But like last night and many nights since this began, I will drift off for about 5-10(if I'm lucky) mins and then I will wake up with searing pain and have to rinse my mouth so it doesn't hurt. I talked to my doctor today and she has added Nortriptyline to my Gabapentin. Hopefully that will help, if not she said she will refer me to a neurosurgeon to discuss other options.

Hi Peanut,

I only joined yesterday:)

I have TN in right side and all three branches. They have tried me on so many meds and nothing works or my liver function tests are bad.

Neurologist last year put me on Endep50. Seems to help me sleep. Its an anti-depressant. But if i wake up its only takes two secs and pain is back. Find myself watching TV half the night. They have tried me on liquid morphine and didn't have any reaction from strong dose. So waste of time.

Before I go to bed i put a blow heater on in my room. Make sure no cold air hits my face. If i wake up i put it back on. We just moved and the air con I have in bedroom isn't reverse cycle:(. Its winter over here in Aussieland.

Also I don't brush my teeth. Triggers it so use mouthwash before bedtime. Also i know this may seem weird but I always sleep on my affected side. I have a pillow I use that is ultra soft. Any other pillow forget it. Also when bad I can't put my hair up as it causes too much pain.

My heart feels for you as i know what its like to have pain sec by sec, day by day



My TN is also on the right side. But what do you mean by all three branches? I have pain in my head, my nose (which I think is the most painful...only slightly), my ear and my upper and lower jaw. I have tried Vicodin 500 and 750, neither of them touched it. I was put on Ibuprofen 800 (such a joke now considering what I have) when it was thought to be just an infection (I was only diagnosed on Monday by my doctor and then my neurologist verified it later that day). Now I am on no pain pills but my neuro wants me to keep the Vicodin and Ibuprofen on hand and try it a few more times now that I'm on the Gabapentin and Nortiptyline. Hopefully these will start to work better in the next week or two as they get in to my system. But there's times where I just feel like I can't wait that long. I want immediate relief, I am so inpatient and in so much pain that just plain hard to live and function...let alone focus on anything! I haven't worked in almost 2 weeks and I feel like such a slob at home, I really need to get up and do stuff...but I have no motivation or drive whatsoever. I know those are things that I have to deal with and push through...but I just wish I could flip and switch and make it all better, as I am sure you do as well. (Sorry, I tend to rant!)

Thank you for all of your advice, I will certainly try some of these things.


hi ya peanut just reading yor blog and its the same as me i dont sleep much at nite my pain starts at 9 every single nite and gose on and off till 4 in the morning i try every thing to halp me even if i could just have a lie down and rest but then my head trobs like mad iam even keeping my husband awake at nite i do have to go to work ay 6.30 in the morning so i dont look the best when i get to work i do hope you will get some sort of releif take care lorraine

Hi peanut,
Sorry your pain is making it difficult to sleep. Right now I’m in the same boat:( it has gotten to the point if I am sleeping and staying asleep my family leaves me alone no matter what time it is. I have tired everything from counting sheep to counting the tick of the clock. Sorry this is not much better of advice on what to do but rather a hey others are with you on not sleeping as well. Here’s to you and the rest of us hopefully getting some zzzz’s soon.

hi all.. .i so sympatthize with you all... we are so much on the same both.

i also have pain i can't sleep - i had two things that helped :

lasy year i was taking LYRICA + AMITRPIHNE for a long period.. and while it didn't help much the pain - it made me fall asleep right after i took the pills. even with severe pain !

after that i stopped the meds. and doctor put me on regular sleeping pills . so i sleep the 5 hours .

it's not good. and the quality of sleep isn't good - but "at least" it's sleep... i take Bondromin (that's the name here in Israel..

i also found in times that sleeping on the "hurt" side eases the pain. but mostly every touch on that side increases the pain.

i think it's also connected to scrathing the neck.. sometimes i feel straching my neck in certain positions helps.

Peanut -- just saw thread on first page about medicated nasal spray! If you can't find it == put it in search box above!

I also am on tegretol, nearing 12oo mg per day, i take percocet with it to help the pain, and also seens to calm me and the nerve, this only started for me in march2012...i cant stand it, I am having mvd inJuly ...i want my life back