
Hi all,

I’m having a horrible time with sleeping and my sleep schedule is getting all out a whack. It’s either I go into hibernation mode and can’t get enough, or I get so tired I can’t sleep, and to top it off when I do it’s not restful. I those and turn wake up in horrible pain all thru the night. Anybody else in this boat with me? I don’t like how this is know also starting to rule my life, along with the pain.

Have you tried topical lidocaine patches? Many of us only get relief when we sleep. Maybe you need something stronger to knock you out.

Keep Posting!

Thanks KC,
Lidocaine just makes it numb but the pain won’t go away with it. I tried the patch, gel, cream but it just makes me numb and The horrible Bone crushing pressure is still there; so i get agitated. I think It’s the fibro pain and the tn pain mixed together that is waking me up. It just stinks. At this point I’m not even sure which illness is ruining my sleep or if it is in fact both of them.

My days and nights are completely turned around when my pain gets real bad I jse a icepak most of the time I almost fall asleep on one which I know isnt good but it makes me numb have u ever tried biofreeze on the back of ur neck that helps me relax and vicks on my chest even though im not sick wud also helpme I dont know something about the menthol its relaxing… What about pain pill or anxiety pill?

Can you tinker with your meds so that the optimum sleepiness induced by them coincides with bedtime? That's what I do and sleep pretty good most nights. I bet you have tried this though! Big hugs Kari x

I'm not any help, cause I'm up right now for many reasons pain being the biggest most controlling of them all! I am glad though to see your question as it lets me know I am not alone :-) blessings~~

Aw, thanks y’all:) tonight or should I say this week has been the worse. No sleep at so far.

Thanks for suggestions. Vicks? I’m not too found of the smell, but you gave me an idear. Just I’m going to try some lavender. I read some its should help you get sleepy.

That’s a good idea too. I’m going to think I on how to rearrange them perhaps. Sometimes I wonder if its the medications that help mess with sleep patterns that get whacky.

Nope your not alone. Don’t find odd to be awake when everyone around you is sleeping? It’s so silent in my usually noisy house, it’s a bit strange. My husband told me the other he just can’t see how I can get so little sleep and get up and go to work the next day. The poor guy now just either gets to see me dead as door nail tired or sleeping when I do finally get run down enough to just fall asleep and so do the kids. Makes me feel guilty:(

I do have a hard time sleeping good. I am exhausted, but don't fall asleep early. When I do go to sleep, I toss and turn a lot and dream weird dreams. I am not in pain though. When it gets bad enough, I take a muscle relaxer or benadryl and that usually helps me sleep good. I think it's the medications.

Morning all.
Sigh… I wish I slept better.

Hi Kari,

I’m in the same boat recently…not sure why.

I haven’t had much of a break from the pain since Sept. but I’m on day 6 of constant pain to varying degrees and 3-4 hrs broken sleep. My TN 2 is now getting frequent zaps like TN1.

I don’t know if my lack of sleep is because this constant pain is keeping me at almost 0 activity or what the deal is?

In any event, I hope you and I get some sleep soon. Sleep has never been an issue for me.

Take care of you, Mimi

Aw Mimi,
I’m sorry:( right after 3pm I’m guessing I will start falling asleep at work at my desk again.

Guilt. Unfortunately I wear it like a dress :-( Take care, blessings~~

Thanks shindig:)

Ugh today is fours of sleep, and work totally stinks today. My boss is out of the office and so is another coworker making a whole lot fall on my desk. :frowning:

Like Shindig, I take Melatonin. My dr also told me to add Magnesium and Valerian Root to that mix. When the pain was at its worst I was given Ambien or something like Xanax. I hope you all get some rest soon!

Like Kari I was also falling asleep by 3 in the afternoon, it was not good. I work for a police force here in Ontario(not an officer or trooper as the States call them). A higher ranked officer caught me one day, thankfully he was very understanding.

Anyway that was when I went back to my doctor and said "this can't happen anymore" I don't know what drugs you are on but he gave me amytriptolene(spelling?). I only took it at night. It helped right away. Slept much better and had better days,

Hope you too find some help, I feel for you


I take melatonin and two benadryl about an hour before sleep. I have terrible problems and this has made it easier to nod off, and the melatonin also helps me stay asleep. Additionally, I drink tea with valerian root in it (off then grocery shelf) and I have also tried triptofain (sp?). Its the same stuff that is in turkey that makes you sleepy. That works really well. I have found that alternating the benadryl and the triptofain works well too. BTW, if you are near a dollar store, they have store brand benadryl there.

I have also started putting fresh cut fragrant flowers on my bedside, and shutting off my tv and putting an audio book on with a sleep timer. That way my brain can focus, and I will still be able to sleep.

When the pain is really flaring, I take all my meds at night with all the other crap, and pray for sleep. I have no pain when asleep! Good Luck!