Just need to vent tonight:(

Hello everyone, well I guess I just don’t know how to cope with the fact that I can’t go to work anymore with this condition.I was recently qualified for LTD through my work and believe me after reading some of the stories I am grateful for that but I loved my job and my co-workers dearly. I am really missing all of them and I haven’t been in touch with them cause it hurts and I do feel bad but how do you make them understand this nasty condition… Just thinking about work for me puts me into tears, is this normal? Over the Christmas holiday on Christmas eve my son got the flu so the big day was pretty quiet. Oh ya did I tell ya on boxing day it started for me and I had it over a week and it set the face off really bad but I got through it . I then decided it was time to quit smoking too so its been over two weeks now but since doing that I have such a nasty dry cough from all the toxins in my body from smoking, its killing my face. I am damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Im sure all of this is causing me to be very emotional, I just wish it would all go away…as do all of you I know… Im not one for complaining and I try to hide it but it just can’t be hidden sometimes. With all this time on my hands while the kids are in school and hubby at work I think of everything I shouldn’t . I know I am not alone with this, I just need remission for right now LOL don’t we all… Well I have vented enough and feel selfish cause I know everyone is going through this and more…sorry just needed to let it all out… Thanks for everyones support… maybe tomorrow will be a better day !
Good night all,

Thanks DIana
I am trying to hang in there, just having a really rough spell…

Thanks Ro, I know your right. I couldn’t sleep all last night but 2 hours so I decided to write my boss a letter cause we were really good friends and I felt bad that it was so hard to even send a note but I did it and he was so happy to hear from me. It just so hard to hear how much I am missed at work. I too will learn to cope as you have im sure in do time… Thanks for your support, I need all I can get right now,lol

Thanks Sarah, I am trying very hard. Baby steps I guess for now… I am afraid meds aren’t helping me yet again tonight. Oh how the pain hurts so bad you just wish you could close your eyes and feel nothing. Here is hoping tomorrow will be a brighter day for all !
Good night,

Venting is good Clemie. Got to let the steam out. Congrats on quitting smoking. That’s the right move. Stay strong!

Thanks Maeve,
I appreciate all the kind words of wisdom. I would be lost without this support. I believe you are so right when you say I am grieving, that is what I feel…
As for this morning, I am really tired and face pain isn’t quite as bad but it is there.
Will try and rest today!

Clemmie…I am thinking of you today and hope that things are looking up. Believe me…as a long time TN sufferer…things will get better. you will find the right meds, dr, or something that will make life bearble and sooner of later, back to normal for you.
Take care Clemmie, Judy