Just Joined!

Just wanted to say Hello. I just joined this group but I'm not really sure why. I have great support at home it just feels like nobody really understands what it is like to live with this type of pain. Maybe it's just me but I am really tired of hearing "I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this" from people. I don't want anyone to be sorry. I just want them to listen. Sorry for being so negative.....I am just really frustrated and in need of a friend that can relate and understand. Anyway, Hope everyone has a great day!

Welcome. You've definitely found a place where others have first-hand knowledge of what it's like to live with this type of pain. To offer a "glass half full" perspective, I guess I'd say that you should at least feel lucky that your friends and family are expressing some sympathy for you. Others have reported that some people in their lives simply think they are faking their symptoms. Unfortunately for me, I have some people in my life who seem to not even understand just how excruciating this pain is and how terrible the side effects of the medications can be. It's as if I told them I suffered a minor injury and now that I've seen a doctor everything is all better!

Thanks Jeff! I know I am lucky and don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to have support at home....I just feel so defeated sometimes.

That's understandable. I don't think anyone wants to have any sort of chronic illness/condition, particularly not one that causes intense pain.

It's great that you have good support at home! It becomes tedious always having the thought that an outbreak might happen at any given time.

I don't come to this sight often, sometimes because it just makes my anxiety levels higher, which for me is not a good thing.

Welcome, hope you have a pain free day!