Is anyone's TN pain worse in the morning?

It seems that my TN pain is much worse in the early morning when I first wake up. I have to work up my courage to brush my teeth, take my meds and even eat breakfast. Does anyone else notice this too? Thanks.


Gary, I have the same issue each morning when I wake up. I have pain on right side of my face and sensitivity in at least one of my teeth(crown which triggered the TN) mostly an aching in the face and a dull pain around temple area to jaw, but sometimes I wake up with a sharp shooting pain near the temple(I have experienced both Type I & II symptoms). Once I take my meds, I start feeling better. I have a question for you on your LTD case. When did you start your claim and request all of your documentation from your doctors? I am still on short-term disability(paid sick leave from employer), but it will end around December 2011. Did your employer assist you with this transition or were you on your own as far giving the LTD carrier notice,etc. I went out on full-time disability in early June 2011. I was wondering if it is too early. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.My LTD carrrier is Cigna which has a terrible reputation on approving LTD claims.


Oh yes! as soon as wake up. Like if opening my eyes were the trigger. Also, when I have been in the same position for a while, like reading a book, or watching TV. As soon as I move... Zap! Pain. So yes, I am too in more pain in the morning and late in the evening.


James I started the process of applying for my LTD immediately after leaving my employer. My employer was extremely helpful getting the process started. The unfortunate reallity is that you must stay on top of your carrier almost daily to ensure they are processing your claim correctly. I know that is not a comfort to anyone, but it will keep them focussed on your claim and give you a sense of being involved and have some sense of control. I am in the process of being approved for SSDI now and that is an even more daunting process. I hope this helps you and good luck with your LTD.


Gary, Thanks for your quick response on my question. Just one clarification on what you mean by leaving your employer. Were you on short-term disability until the 6 months ended and then your employer terminated your benefits(helped you process your LTD) or did you apply for LTD immediately after going on full-time disability? When I was put on full-time disability on June 7, 2011, my employer told me I would need to use up my paid sick leave(ends in Dec) before applying for LTD. I want to be proactive and start the process as soon as possible. I plan on following up with my HR rep, but I wanted your feedback before I did. Thanks for all of your help, Gary.


James, I applied for LTD when I had exhausted all of the time I had available to me. I was on FMLA for 10 months and also used all of my sick time as well. It took 3 months to get approval for my LTD during which time we had to rely on my wife's salary until mine was approved. Once it was approved I was issued a check for the back pay for the 3 months of the approval process. It was an extremely stressful time for us until it was approved. I hope this helps. Best of luck with your application.


Gary, thanks for the clarification on when you applied for LTD. I too am very nervous about the entire process. Were you required to apply for Social Security when you applied for LTD? You have been very helpful my friend. How are you doing with TN presently? Take care and I will stay in touch.

Peace be with you.


Hi James,

I'm also on the beginning process of apply for LTD, the word disability is scary for me, it feels like a life sentence.

My doctor just filled the form a couple of days ago and I'm a little lost. I am realizing that a lot of people here have gone through this dreadful process of demonstrating how debilitating the pain -that no one can see- can be. I've been barely able to talk over the last 3 days, I can't smile, eating is very painful, and my energy level is very low, still on a lot of medications.

For me, it all started after Gamma Knife in February. It made things 100 times worse than they were. I've been on FMLA since April. Before I wouldn't miss more than 2 days in a row due to TN, although I was super medicated... I was able to manage. It's been a stressful time just to realize that the not working thing may be long term. My benefits are exhausted already and my stomach turns just to think of the bills next months. I feel like I've been put in an unknown scary place...

James have you filled up your paperwork yet?


Carolina, I am just starting this LTD process myself. Do you have any LTD specialist or HR rep with your employer who can assist you with the details of the process? I know we have two "Living With TN" memebers who can assist you: Gary Carter & Lily who I just emailed on this topic. I know you will need to get all of your medical documentation from all your doctors and I would visit with them to discuss your need for their support. Many employers will assist you with this process, but in Lily's case she needed to get an attorney. Have you exhausted your short term disability or paid sick leave yet? There is usually a waiting period for Long term disability benefits(180 days in New York). I will be praying for you on this issue. I would reach out to Gary & Lily. God bless you!



The waiting period here is 180 days as well. I started my leave on April 6. My paid lick leave was exhausted on 07-17-11. The waiting period starts (as I understand) on April 6, so I'll be eligible for the benefit in October. I'm doing the paperwork now so by the time I'm eligible for payment I don't have to wait. By then we would have been only on mu husband's income for 3 months.

I'll be checking the site.

Thank you

Carolina, I will pray for a speedy approval for your LTD. I would suggest as Gary Carter advised me that you get all the medical documentation from your doctors. Sometimes our doctors don't sent the LTD carrier everything or their staff miss an important record. Best of luck to you.



Carolina Thatcher said:


The waiting period here is 180 days as well. I started my leave on April 6. My paid lick leave was exhausted on 07-17-11. The waiting period starts (as I understand) on April 6, so I'll be eligible for the benefit in October. I'm doing the paperwork now so by the time I'm eligible for payment I don't have to wait. By then we would have been only on mu husband's income for 3 months.

I'll be checking the site.

Thank you

Yes my pain is worse when I first get up. I have a real problem with shaving.

It seems my pain come early evening, and early morning.

I think it maybe it is when the meds have woren off, and before the new batch has taken a hold.

me 100 percent. my scar tissue has edema and i cant even walk right. i beleve that is common. the body slows down at night.

I also have pain in the morning and sometimes it will wake me up out of a dead sleep. I take my meds. right away and with in 10 minutes the pain is gone. WHen I first had the pain and no meds. I could not eat and have lost over 50 lbs, went from 160 lbs. to 110 and look awful, make me cry. My Doctor put me on Trileptal and Neurontin. I can now brush my teeth and eat.

I have serve and uncontrolled Trigeminal which was proved my a EMG test. I will not have surgery.

My pain is always worse early morning, starting about 2 AM. It seems the meds ware off and the pain begins.

Why wont you have surgery? I hope the pain is under control. feel better.

Renee said:

I also have pain in the morning and sometimes it will wake me up out of a dead sleep. I take my meds. right away and with in 10 minutes the pain is gone. WHen I first had the pain and no meds. I could not eat and have lost over 50 lbs, went from 160 lbs. to 110 and look awful, make me cry. My Doctor put me on Trileptal and Neurontin. I can now brush my teeth and eat.

I have serve and uncontrolled Trigeminal which was proved my a EMG test. I will not have surgery.

Renee, why wont you have surgery? i hope the pain is under control.

elaine48 said:

Renee, why wont you have surgery? i hope the pain is under control.
Right now the pain is under control with my meds. I have read about the different side effects about the surgery and that is not for me.

I have a friend who lives in the same road! his TN is awful in the mornings ,mornings are my best time ,my pain gets worse as the day goes on .

Strange how this awful things effects us all in different ways x

Hi Gary,

I also have this. It takes everything out of me to wash myface, brush my teeth and hair, and eat and drink. I am so grateful to find others experiencing this. It takes me a total of 3 hours to get ready in the morning if I need to go out for the day. I do not work right now because I cant do it. I am applying for disability but not sure on the result yet. It is my first go around and I am hearing that most likely I will be denied. I have been unemployed for two years now. so by the grace of God I am so hoping I get it....Good luck to you!!!
