Anyone feel great in a m then downhill into night?

I have been battling left-sided facial pain for 4 1/2 yrs. It began while I had a maxillary sinus infection. Since then I have the pain even when sinus' are healthy. I've seen a parade of drs. and tried a lotta drugs. Even hospitalized three times. Many tough nights. Lost my good job (and medical) and now go to VA for everything. What are the best questions to ask the "new dr" when you find someone who claims to be a specialist?

Sometimes my pain will build up during the day and be worse at night but lately it's been the worst when I wake up. Seems like this thing has a mind of it own. Sorry about your job. You have company -- I lost mine at the end of October. I'm on COBRA for now. Costs as much as our mortgage payment but gotta have it. I would ask the doctor how many TN cases they've treated and if they are treating any one currently, what treatments they've done and what if nothing works for you? Where would you go next? Definitely write a list of the drugs and procedures you've tried, the results and what side effects. I'd also ask what happens if nothing works. Where do you go next? I hope you find a good doctor there. My brother-in-law lost his job a couple of years ago and goes to the VA. He's been very happy with it. Of course, he doesn't have TN!

Absolutely I feel great in the morning. At about 3 in the afternoon I feel some pressure in the right side cheekbone. Sometimes nothing happens other than that, sometimes I have an episode. I have been pain free for a few weeks.

Check out the Face Pain Info tab above as it has a link with some great questions to ask a new specialist.

My pain generally builds up during the day, as well. I "normally" wake up pain free for a short period of time but lately that has changed. I have even been waking up at night from pain. It totally has a mind of its own. I do what I can to avoid triggers and hope for the best.