Introducing myself

Hello! I am not familiar with the set up of this message board, so I hope this is ok that I'm posting my own thread.

I am 32 with 5 children I was diagnosed with TN on the right side of my face in 2007 when my 4th child was an infant. I refused meds at that point because I was nursing. I honestly had thought up to that point that daily headaches and pain were normal. I told the doctor "I had 4 kids, it's to be expected, right?" And he looked at me like I was crazy. Perhaps I am! The TN would only "flare up" about once every other month or so and last about a week. It was never terribly bad (never as bad as the three weeks prior to me being diagnosed). In July of 2009 I was diagnosed with TN on the left side as well. I had baby #5 in July of 2010 and it's been all downhill since then.

I still do not take daily medication. I know one person locally who has TN (had surgery in Pittsburgh) and her stories about the meds really do scare me. I homeschool our five kids and need to be able to focus and continue to take care of our household. I feel like at least now when I have bad days, I might not do much BUT there are still good/better days where I function pretty well. I bought an ultrasound machine and do use that on occasion but some days it can trigger my TN and that makes me afraid to use it on a good day, if that makes sense.

We had to switch insurances and anything TN or migraine related is now pre existing and I have three more years to get coverage. I am looking into another insurance that will lower the wait time to one year.

I also have had shingles (on my face) numerous times - I'm guessing at least a dozen by now. I don't know if it has anything to do with the TN or vice versa, but it's another thing to be bothered by!

August was the worst month I've had so far and that's about when I joined here, but was still in too much pain to really post or figure out how this site works. I am looking forward to meeting others that understand!



Kimberly -

Everyone's story is different. No one "likes" taking drugs but there are so many of us who could not live without them. Even at high doses, there are many people who function extremely well and live with manageable pain, even no pain. You might consider seeing a doctor who could work with you on some meds and see what happens. There's a balance between whatever side effects the drugs might cause and the fog of pain and distraction and fear you're living in now. It's hard to choose what's right for you but it's worth making the most informed choice that you can.

Peace back at'cha -


Thanks for responding Faye. I am at the point where I feel like I can’t survive daily without something but I’m scared to know what to try/do. I bought the ultrasound hoping that would be helpful. I’m hoping to get insurance to cover my TN so I can try meds or something else. Before this summer came I thought I could just handle the flare ups but now they’re just so intense, there’s no way. I need something to give me hope.

Hi Kimberly,
Oh my goodness your house sounds so very busy. One thing the Red has said it is important to treat the pain, otherwise it can just get worse. I have a huge love hate relationship with medications. I love because my pain level is more in check when taken. I hate em because of some of the side effects. Sometimes you’ll need to stick with a medication before the zombie feelings go away. Also there is a bit of choice on what is available. Sorry about the insurance thing the does not seem right to me. I think the face pain info pain goes over these options as well. Hope you have pain free day.