I'm in the club!

I was just diagnosed with TN on Tuesday. I have been having these pains in the left side of my head for over a year but they have increased in frequency and intensity. I got a referral to a neurologist but it was taking forever to get in (I have to fill out a headache packet first to be assigned a doctor with the right specialty). I ended up in the Emergency Room (for 7 hours) and had a wonderful doctor who was a great listener and very thorough. He did an MRI and it was confirmed. I have trigeminal neuralgia. I started Tegretol that night and have had some relief. However, about 2 hours before my second dose, I started to have repeated flashes of pain. I could tell it was wearing off. Today I have what feels like a pulled muscle in my chest, on the right side, under my arm pit. Is this a side effect? (muscle pain)

Thank you all for welcoming me to this group. I am thankful to have somewhere to go and get answers to my questions and whine when I need to. My husband is very supportive, but I can see this is already wearing on him.

Muscle pain isn't a common side effect of Tegretol. I would suggest continuing for at least three days on the prescription that your doctor has made. If you're still having this symptom at the end of that time, then contact his office and report what you are experiencing. FYI, an immediate decrease in pain on the first dose or two of Tegretol is considered a strong confirmation that your facial pain is most likely from a form of neuralgia.