I month post MVD Surgery

Greetings to Living with TN Friends

On March 27th, I underwent Microvascular Decompression surgery at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Francisco. Attending Physican Dr Larson, head of NeuroSurgery and Chief Resident Corinna Zygourakis performed the 4.5 hour operation. After they entered through the skull, the surgeons discovered two additional blood vessel/nerve contacts.

So far, so good. I woke up pain free. Intensive Care Unit observed me the first night: the normal procedure and on Day Two, I was moved to the general recovery unit, where I remained until discharge on Day Four.

My physical condition during the Post-Op hospital stay went from inability to get out of the bed, due to weakness and disorientation to a gradual regaining of strength so that I was able to get up and walk with the aid of a walker and then a cane. At discharge, my walking was very unbalanced and I experienced facial right side partial numbness. Also, I could hear a hiss sound in my inner right ear. The feeling is similar to that experienced after a plane flight. You don't really feel anything, nor is it painful but you can sense a space between your inner ear and your head

As for my appetite, I couldn't even look at food the first 24 hours but by the time of discharge, I ate everything on the plate. Now, I eat everything in sight: a factor being the ability to eat, chew, laugh, smile widely. I weigh more now than I did a month ago.

Four weeks after surgery, all the post op concerns of right side facial :numbness, balance problems and the inner ear hiss are improving at the expected pace or better. I drive now.

I continue to follow the same med regimen: 600mg,Gabapentin 3x, 125mg Lamotrigine and 5mg oxycodone if needed. The Physicians want me to stay on the meds until the follow-up when, if all is well, I will begin to taper off.

A very brief background; My age is 65 ..pain started 8 years ago.. misdiagnosed dental pain for 3 years ..probably TN progressing over time to TN 2...same pain control meds for 5 years..some people never knew I had a problem, but family and closer friends observed the misery of the monster at work..4 months ago or so, things began to deteriorate badly. Meds, including rising use of oxycodone, were losing the battle...Progression obvious..initiated discussions with Neurosurgeons at University of California San Francisco Medical Center (Dr "Eddie" Chang) and the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center ( Dr Larson) . Of course, I mentioned our site to everyone and almost all knew about us. They immediately realized, I knew a lot about this stuff. My question they seemed to like the most was, "What do you consider a success"?" The two institutions work together. The VA is a teaching hospital. Dr Zygourakis is a member of both teams. I heard they were going to bring in several Med Students to observe the MVD surgery. I should have sold admission tickets. As I mentioned to others; when I rolled into the O.R., thousands of TNers rolled in with me. Thank you to everyone and to newer members, I want to tell you it took a long time for me to get where I am today. It can be difficult at times, but remain hopeful. Everyone's journey is different. Continue to inform yourself with the resources on our site. Information is power. Be kind to yourself and try not to blow your stack when someone inquires for the hundredth time, " How's your jaw pain?'

That's it for now. I take it a day at a time. The Monster sleeps.

Bill I am so happy for you!!! I hope things just continue to get betterand better,we both know the healing process can take awhile.I am glad you are doing so good!!! Me too!! Thank - you for telling me to go public, I never would of done that but this disease after 20+ years had taken it’s tolll on me and right or wrong I was done! You were the one that started the ball rolling,then Chuck at the Enquire was so willing to do my story on Nov. 10 th of 2014 and then he started hearing from some very kind people from my city, even a close friend who I had not told how bad things had become and then Chuck recevied an email all the way from Ca. from a brilliant man Larry Bernstine. I know of a couple members have used or are using GALLIXIA!!! A super cream that I had NO hope in.Since Nov. all of my burning on my face in my mouth, down my throat and the boring pain is about 80% better most days YEAH FOR LARRY AND HIS CREAM GALLIXA!! No longer on pain pills after about 15 years of them! Now I can get by with just MM, hope to do away with that here soon too. I also wanted to say what a great job Chuck did on my story and a beautiful job explaing what TN is.Just didn’t like being front page news and embarressing many famiy members. At first it bothered me but now, after what that cream has done for me, Oh well, I am starting to get a lifre back, the winter was bad not horrible like years in the past. As it is getting warmer
and hopefully the rainy weather will be gone soon. WE JUST CAN NOT GIVE UP!!! BILL, THANKS SO MUCH!! WISHING ALL THE BEST DAY POSSIBL AND A BETTER TOMORROW! Dawn