I am new, help

First, thank you to those of you who wrote me. I am not savvy on how these sites work and I do not know how to put a picture in. I have lots of questions.

We have 2 homes, one in Clearwater, FL and one in Zeeland,Mi. I have had small twinges of pain in head for several years. My Dr. in FL just said it was neuralgia and if it got worse, there was medicine. We are in Mi now. A couple of weeks ago, I had pain in face(teeth, lips, jaw, chin) all on left side. That is what brought me to a walk in clinic. We had not established a Dr. in Mi yet. They said it was tm and gave me tramadol. I took it every 4 hours, 5 times and I was so sick. I called back the next day and they gave me carbamazepine, which I guess is the medicine of choice. The pain subsided. I saw the new primary doc in Mi a couple of days later. I now know the docs do not know a lot about tm. I even looked it up on mayo clinic. Now I have pain on all hairline on face and top and back of head which is continuous. Doc said I could take more of med and I will be calling him today. Heat also helps.

Now my questions for all of you.

First are any you in my areas. Second for those of you who have had tm, a long time. you me is the pain this awful all the time. Does it come and go. I have cried and cried. And prayed and prayed.

If any of you can help, I sure could use it.

Thank you.

I do not know if you email me or if I look on blogs. My email is ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.

Hang in there! I hate to tell you, but yes this pain is here to stay. There is no point sugar coating it. The good news is there are things that may help. Carbamezapine seemed to help initially. Keep working with it and finding the right dose if it seems to be helping.

Keep reading and reading on this site. There are also surgery options for some patients. Some of us find enough relief with the right med dosage.

There are some good, simple tips on here. Do a search for a discussion that has "top 10" tips to help. It has some great advice, I think heat and cold are both suggested. I also think prayer doesn't hurt either.

Thinking of you,

Elaine (from Canada)