Hysterectomy & TN

I am having surgery on Monday, Aug. 6, for a hysterectomy & other issues. I am just praying that my TN doesn't flare. the stress has made it a bit harder to get life together as much as I can since I will have an 8-12 wk. recovery. Pretty nervous to see what happens. Keep me in your thoughts please. blessings~~

All the best sweetheart, what a lot of pressure you are under just now. Fingers crossed that you will feel so much better after your recovery. Don’t forget what my sister in law said to me when I had major surgery, allow yourself time to heal. That is very important.

Thank you for the encouragement <3

I had a hysterectomy 14 years ago (I was only 24 but had severe gyno issues with my ovaries and uterus so they eventually had to do a hysterectomy as my uterus was septic from an infection adenmyosis - the worst stage of severe endometriosis). I wish you lots of luck as I know what a huge operation it is. Can’t imagine undergoing this plus TN… I think the only chance or a TN flare up is stress - so try to stay strong and positive, even though this will be hard to do.
My prayers and thoughts will be with you tomorrow.
Steph :slight_smile:

Hi again Shepherdgirl

Just wanted to add that if you need someone to talk to after your operation - as I’ve been thru this huge life changing surgery - please don’t hesitate to lean on me and ask questions etc… even though my operation was many many moons ago I still recall the sadness, the loss and the pain. I know that if I had someone to lean on who had had a similar experience I would find comfort just knowing I wasn’t alone. TN is bad enough to come to grips with let alone the added hurdle your life has thrown your way. You sound strong in your resolve to fight this head on and get thru it, but remember this wonderful network of friends are hear to listen and give advice based on our own life experiences.

I wish you the very best of luck, stay strong.


Oh girl! Having the hysterectomy was a GOD send - indeed! It has been 2 years now and I have felt soooo much better; granted I have had the TN for 11 months now...BUT... I would surmize that with the pain meds; the TAKING IT SUPER EASY for the full amount of time (I had the 3 months of recovery as well...it will take it kiddo!) and letting yourself take the pampering will HELP the TN from flaring...just take the pain meds regularly, get plenty of rest and listen to your body, don't push yourself. Best of wishes to you!!


that is a lot to deal with lucky TNers are TOUGH .

please rest lots after your hysterectomy ,you will think after a few weeks you are feeling okay to do things again ,you are NOT rest for the full time ,I started doing things and set myself back then it just took longer ,be kind to yourself ,will be thinking of you ,sending lots of love Lyn xx

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am drinking my last bottle of water, then nothing else. I so appreciate all the encouraging words of wisdom and love. I do have a peace that seems to override any nervousness or fear. I might not be around for a few days, but I will touch base when I can. Stress did effect my TN a bit but coming down 2 days early has helped, watching the Olympics and Pinterest. Again THANK YO SO MUCH! blessings and big huge hugs~~


Thanks and lol!!!

Ouch it hurts to laugh!!

Heather said:

Keepin you in my thoughts, lady. :) I wish I could get rid of my uterus. :( after 4 kids, she hates me.

did i say that out loud?

So there have been some complications, I am still in the hospital, breaking out tomorrow. Need to go to bed morning and positions. My TN has been pretty good. My meds are giving me bad sideeffects. I will write more later

Sorry to read this, hope you feel much better soon.

I, too, had a hys. but it was 12 years ago. (But I'm only 46 now!)

I had both ovaries taken, as well as my cervix, so the shock to my body was major.

This year, in Feb., I had surgery for vocal cord polyps and I also had a tonsillectomy.

I was on liquid Percocet for almost a month...and guess what? Virtually NO pain from my TN. (Of course when I finally did start eating, it was pudding and scrambled eggs.)

I am sharing this because I think it's possible that if you are taking pain meds round the clock, your TN may benefit. They always tell you to just take the pain meds consistently...if you wait for the pain to get worse, you will suffer for a long time, waiting for the meds to kick in.

Just give yourself time, rest, watch funny movies, etc.

Perhaps the forced rest will do you well. (just trying to be optimistic!)


Mary Ann

P.S. This is the BEST website: http://www.hystersisters.com/
They have discussions like we have here. You will NEVER feel alone!

THANK YOU !!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I am home. Long journey. Good (sorta,lol) they DIDN'T do a hysterectomy for the benefit of some other issues they came into with my pelvic floor.To keep it was more beneficial than taking it. They did do an ablation (spelling?) I lost almost 5 pts. of blood and other complications, I was released from the hospital a week ago, but stayed closer to my dr from a week n SoCa. Mostly my TN was affected by the other meds. I had an issue with that they changed the timing of all my meds so it did bother my TN in that way, they didn't listen but had filled me with so much other stuff, I was knocked out. I have survived, and am 2 wks. into a 12 wk. recovery. Slept all today, after the worst and longest drive home, I never knew there were so many bumps in the roads!!!! I felt every one of them!!! LOL!!! Slept all day today, trying to figure the getting kids to school take care of myself, etc. I am blessed my aunt is here and my husband is proactive!!! blessings~~