NS told me it could take 6-12 months. Wondering what the average is
The pain went away right after the MVD surgery. The Neurosurgeon did NOT keep me on Trilptal, which I'm thankful for. I went hom 2 days after the surgery and no pain ever since. All I did have was some numbness of my jaw and half of the tip of my tounge and half of lower lip. It's been 5 months since and most of the numbness is gone, and no pain, thank God.
We are all soooo different here - you will get 100 different answers : )
I woke up pain free - Then week 11-16 had to go back on low dose meds - now coming up on 15 months and good.
Average time it takes the nerves to heal is 12 months....mark it on your calendar !
But realize it can come back in 6 months or 6 years or 16 years... I consider myself not cured - but in remission.
Did you have what your doctor described as classic TN symptoms? I had a toothache followed by a TN attack followed by Tegretol by no pain in general and the surgeon I saw thinks I have Atypical TN
Mitzi said:
The pain went away right after the MVD surgery. The Neurosurgeon did NOT keep me on Trilptal, which I'm thankful for. I went hom 2 days after the surgery and no pain ever since. All I did have was some numbness of my jaw and half of the tip of my tounge and half of lower lip. It's been 5 months since and most of the numbness is gone, and no pain, thank God.
Christine said:
Did you have what your doctor described as classic TN symptoms? I had a toothache followed by a TN attack followed by Tegretol by no pain in general and the surgeon I saw thinks I have Atypical TN
Mitzi said:The pain went away right after the MVD surgery. The Neurosurgeon did NOT keep me on Trilptal, which I'm thankful for. I went hom 2 days after the surgery and no pain ever since. All I did have was some numbness of my jaw and half of the tip of my tounge and half of lower lip. It's been 5 months since and most of the numbness is gone, and no pain, thank God.
Mitzi- did you ever have pain in any of the other areas such as your nose or eyes or was it limited in scope to the jaw area?
I am at week 8 since MVD..very sensitve teeth and tongue when eating. I have been able to cut my dose of drugs in half though. My complication was I'm only 4 weeks since a CSF leak surgery. My nero says it takes time.
Linda- Were your teeth and tongue your only pain points. Did you only have one trigger point? Trying so hard to understand this. I was told today that I am not a surgical candidate. I thought I had type 1 TN because it was limited to one side of my face. Surgeon says I have atypical facial pain....Chris. Indianapolis
I was pain free for 1 month after MVD. The pain level I have now is half of what it was. I am on no meds. Just can't tolerate them. I have an episode maybe 3 or 4 times a week lasting around 1/2 hour or so. My pain is mainly on my right upper gum area, feels like a toothache, and a weird feeling on the right side of my forehead. Same areas as before MVD. Wondering if anyone on this site had relief at the 1 year mark. Everyone heals differently and its just amazing how it affects us in different ways. Like you said you will get 100 different answers.
Kc Dancer Kc said:
We are all soooo different here - you will get 100 different answers : )
I woke up pain free - Then week 11-16 had to go back on low dose meds - now coming up on 15 months and good.
Average time it takes the nerves to heal is 12 months....mark it on your calendar !
But realize it can come back in 6 months or 6 years or 16 years... I consider myself not cured - but in remission.
Matt. Was the weird feeling you had on the side of your forehead at one point more painful? Where did you have your surgery. Thanks. Chris. Carmel in
No. In comparison to my upper gum area the forehead pain was minimal. The gum area before the MVD felt like someone was stabbing me from the front and trying to pull from the side. I had my surgery at Monmouth Medical Center in NJ
Hi Christine, I had an episode with my teeth last summer that lasted about a month then just went away, now since my second surgery it has come back but worse then ever. My tongue off and on but again worse in last month, is making me nervous but neuro says give it time. As long as cutting doeses of drugs isn't making it worse to keep going. I keep getting reminders that it has only been a month since the CSF leak surgery but so many of you say you were pain free right away. I have T3 TN. I don't know if what type you have makes a difference on the recovery of a MVD or not, does anyone else know that??
Christine said:
Linda- Were your teeth and tongue your only pain points. Did you only have one trigger point? Trying so hard to understand this. I was told today that I am not a surgical candidate. I thought I had type 1 TN because it was limited to one side of my face. Surgeon says I have atypical facial pain....Chris. Indianapolis
Christine, I did not have any pain that I can remember, other than once in a while I felt a little something on my face as if I poked my cheek with my finger and then it went away just as quickly. After the first week I felt a few shocks one night that scared me a little, but they didn't last more than a few seconds and another night about a month later, but nothing else ever since that time.
Christine said:
Mitzi- did you ever have pain in any of the other areas such as your nose or eyes or was it limited in scope to the jaw area?
I am still new to this whole thing Linda. I hope you are starting to feel better soon. For the most part I feel good and am without pain. It is those little reminders that I have now and again which is confusing to me and perhaps the surgeon who is saying that I have atypical facial pain. Hope your days are getting better and better Linda....geeze....
Linda said:
Hi Christine, I had an episode with my teeth last summer that lasted about a month then just went away, now since my second surgery it has come back but worse then ever. My tongue off and on but again worse in last month, is making me nervous but neuro says give it time. As long as cutting doeses of drugs isn't making it worse to keep going. I keep getting reminders that it has only been a month since the CSF leak surgery but so many of you say you were pain free right away. I have T3 TN. I don't know if what type you have makes a difference on the recovery of a MVD or not, does anyone else know that??
Christine said:Linda- Were your teeth and tongue your only pain points. Did you only have one trigger point? Trying so hard to understand this. I was told today that I am not a surgical candidate. I thought I had type 1 TN because it was limited to one side of my face. Surgeon says I have atypical facial pain....Chris. Indianapolis
Mitzi said:
Christine, I did not have any pain that I can remember, other than once in a while I felt a little something on my face as if I poked my cheek with my finger and then it went away just as quickly. After the first week I felt a few shocks one night that scared me a little, but they didn't last more than a few seconds and another night about a month later, but nothing else ever since that time.
Christine said:Mitzi- did you ever have pain in any of the other areas such as your nose or eyes or was it limited in scope to the jaw area?
It sounds like you were a perfect candidate for the MVD Mitzi. Thank God you are pain free and that the surgery worked well! All the best, Chris
Talked with doctor today, he said depending on whether nerve was damaged or not it could take up to a year for healing. So for those of us that have to, all we can do is wait. Check the vitamin E discussion. I'm going to give it a try. Can't hurt right?? Take care, be pain free as soon as possible
It took me around six months to get to pain-free after my first MVD. I had a vessel that had wrapped itself over & over tightly around the nerve, so the nerve needed time to heal itself.