Hello everyone,
Thank you all for sharing your stories on this site. It is helping so many and has already given me a lot of information.
I apologize if I am not posting this in the correct place/way. I am not used to posting online so please let me know if I should go about it differently next time.
If anyone would mind reading my story and giving feedback I would greatly appreciate it.
Good luck to all of you!
I am a 36 yr old, Mom of 1. Before 5 months ago I had a terrific life filled with with family, friends, work, volunteering. Busy, sometimes hectic/stressful but happy.
For the last 16 yrs I have lived with C.I.D.P. Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. It is a neuromuscular disorder where my immune system destroys the insulation around my nerves in my peripheral nervous system (arms, hands, legs, feet) unlike MS which affects the central nervous system. Every 2 weeks I go to the hospital (Mass General -anyone else from this area?) for an infusion of IVIG. I have had great results with my treatment.
On 4/26/12 I had a sudden onset of a constant burning pressure centered behind my right eye/temple area that has not left me for 1 minute of 1 day since.
My neuromuscular neuro saw me and (now he and 4 other neuros) feel that this new issue is definitely not related to my CIDP and referred me to a general neurologist
So the new neuro began treating me with migraine meds since June. Immitrex, Maxalt, Relpax, Fioricet, Indomethicin (for hemicrania continua) Topamax (made pain worse), Nortriptyline (made me anxioius beyond belief and thats is not me) Amitriptyline, Perciset (a total of 15 of them, made me care a little less about the pain). Finally his associate called me back one day and said this sounds like neuralgia I am seeing my neuro on Wed to discuss TN type II and started me on carbamazepine but the day before I had also been put on a 14 day taper of prednisone from 70mg. So I am currently on both.
**I have only been on Tegretol since 9/19/12 so just over a week. started on Tegretol 200mg day and am now up to 400mg day. Dr says can be 600 day but at first dizziness and nausea were so strong that I am increasing slowly. 400 doesn't feel different than 200 in the pain department. Also (even on 200) started having vice clamp like headaches all over head which I never had before but this has been the 1st time the constant burning has been reduced so just dealing with side effects. Also a little afraid cuz Dr also had put me on a 14 day taper of prednisone which I will finish on 10/1/12 and I'm afraid that the reduction of the pain is actually from the prednisone and not the Tegretol and will all increase again next week. (just typing that makes me weepy). The every minute unrelenting burning pain has just been shocking to me.
I would love to hear how others have reacted to different meds and at what doses. I know everyone is different but I am just trying to soak up as much info as possible right now.
Also does anyone know any neuros good with TN in Massachusetts or the Northeast?
Is remission even possible with Type 2?
Thanks, I will have you all in my prayers,