Hello all
Just wanted to update those of you that have been kind enough to read my posts and offer advice and support. I saw a new neurologist for a second opinion today, and I am so glad that I did. I have a bit of an involved history, having had brain surgery to correct a Chiari Malformation in 2003. Dr. Hormes spent about an hour listening to me and asking questions, before giving me a thorough examination. He then said "I agree with YOUR own diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia."
We both laughed a little about that one. The neurologist I had seen previously had put me on topamax since he felt this was not TN,but neuropathic pain from my Chiari Malformarrion. I never had any real relief from the constant pain.Dr. Hormes is starting me on Carbamazepine ,and weaning me off the topamax. He feels this will drug will work much better for me, and I am hopeful!
I was at a very low point this morning beforebthis appointment, and do feel so much better now.
I just received my copy of "Striking Back"ing the mail today, so I have some reading to do, but I wanted to thank you all , again , for taking the time to listen.
Best regards
Glad you're getting some real answers, Christine. Please stay in touch and let us know how you're doing...