Had to take some time off from my moderating duties . . . just to let all my TN friends know why

It may have been the change of meds, the fact Im just getting over a cold, extra pressure but I guess I developed an ear infection and have a small pocket of fluid. Im a hoping this all goes away without drastic measures. I felt like I was going to blow up and it hurt to cough or move too much. Weird my ear doesn't hurt at all but the pain in my left side of my face and eyes was overwhelming. Usually I can just go to sleep or wait out most "episodes" this did stop and I finally gave in and got help. First trip to ER since my skull tumor was removed after my TN started. Thank god they found that and fixed it and I'm still here. They gave me a gravel IV and benadryl, the I was able to take some stronger pain medication and get some rest. I'm on a new plan until I see my doctor on Wednesday and my GP next week. Some days I wish I could stop time and just turn myself off for a little while. The great thing is that the doctor I saw said my new pain specialist is the best doctor and that they tried to work with him as much as she could during her residency. I felt the same way already but this was great to hear. She was a great help and wanted to admit me but I sweet talked them into letting a friend take me home. Its been a couple days and I feel some better except when I cough.

Its probably the same with most of us TN sufferers, any extra cranial pressure make the pain so much worse. Im tough but this week I was past my breaking point. I hope to be back to my normal by the end of the week. Its great to see how fast the site is growing and I feel fortunate to be able to give back and be a part of it.

luv, hugs and prayers,


I wish you well and wellness in a difficult time, Tracy.

Go in Peace and Power


Tracy, I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so crummy. I can absolutely relate to wanting to "turn yourself off for a while" and I'm sure everyone here can as well. I know that you are a tough cookie and that things had to have been pretty terrible for you to go to the ER. I'm so glad that they were able to help calm things down and that you have such great doctors on your side. I hope that you are able to get some rest and feel better everyday. Good thoughts are heading your way.

Take care,


Hi Friend...Here's how I turn myself off from it all.. I take a few days off..hardly use the phone..talk as little as possible ..minimal food and drink. of course I stay in touch with our group.. THEN, I turn on the TV and watch all the crappy TV shows I would normally never watch. Now, I have not only new TN friends but friends on the TV screen. It makes me happy. I wish you well. You know we are with you.

Thank you my friends for the kinda words of support. I am not used to taking to much for pain control an am feeling a little more bogged down but so much less pain then Friday. I wanted to crawl in a hole and say there but now I am ready to battle this monster some more. I really appriciate the support I get from my TN family, you all show you care so much it warms my heart.

today will be even better!

take care,


Im off to see my pain doctor this afternoon, I will finally have a regular script for breakthrough pain, I just suffered in the past, my bean bag has become my best friend. My doctor sent me to the eye doctor yesterday to test for pressure from the chronic fluid in my mastoid . . . the pressure was fine but my cornia is already showing damage from dry eye since my surgery. I use drops many times a day and I guess its still not enough. I plan on keeping my eye sight forever so I guess I will have to make it an hourly ritual. My memory is shot so this will be an effort in itself. I use my phone to remind me to pee since the nerves in my head no longer allow my blatter to know this. I guess I could add another ring for that too. Anyway . . . I will update later, the half dose of Cymbalta I started last week seems to have no side effect past day two so Im sure he will but me up to a full dose and one question I do have if you read this, do any of you find relief with burning gum and throbbing jaw pain or eye pain from Cymbalta. My stabbing pains are less often and although very painful last only seconds. The burning never stops.




I hope you are feeling a bit better. I understand that crawl in the hole thing..wanted to do that myself the past few weeks. Sending you warm wishes and hugs!
