GAMMA Radiation Treatment

Has anyone had any experience with Gamma radiation? My husband had traditional surgery where they inserted Teflon 4 - 5 years ago, but it came back about 6 - 8 months ago and the Neurontin and Tegretol are not working anymore, so they're talking about Gamma radiation.

He's getting fitted for a mask today. If anyone has had this, please let us know how it worked out for you...

About 50% of all Gamma Knife patients have a recurrence of pain within three years. Think twice, Donna. Your husband may do better with another MVD. If you want the practice standard of the International Association of Radio Surgery, then let me know and I'll send it by Internet mail. I can't post it here as it's copyrighted.

Regards, Red

Comment by guppy1 second ago Delete Comment

hi, my husband had the gamma done in april it worked for 2 days and that was it. he is still taking lyrica for the pain on the outside of his face. he took tramidol but it didnt work. he had to increase tegradol . on june 11th he had a numbing procedure done. it worked for a week. then he had another one donejune 18th. it worked for a day .the numbing procedure in when they numb the trigeminal nerve in different places. it still didnt work. he can only drink thru a straw , so i make him shakes. he is getting this done thru a pain clinic. the gamma knife was done in dayton. i have to call the pain clinic back and schedulke another numbing appointment.

I had gamma knife surgery in 2006. It was the worst decision I could have made. I have had constant pain every day. I had to retire early, and my quality of life has greatly deteriorated. Please think long and hard about this surgery.