
I am currently taking tegretol and want to know if anyone has had radio frequency rhizoctonia, or gamma knife surgery, etc?

There is information on all of the surgical procedures (including "Rhizotomy") in the Face Pain Info tab of the menu above. Likewise, many patient discussions will come up in response to these key words, using our search box at top right.

FYI, of the two procedures you name, RF Rhizotomy has by far the better record, in some reports comparable to microvascular decompression which remains the gold standard of treatment. Half of all successful Gamma Knife procedures exhibit pain recurrence within three years, and there is a life time limit of two GK procedures due to radiation effects.

Go in Peace and Power


You have to know -- that if you have any of these procedures, and they fail, now or later, that your chances of being a good sucessful MVD candidate go down each time.

Just some knowledge to share

Hi Ive had Gamma Knife about 4 years ago it was the only procedure that done any thing for my pain. I had previously had MVD which did nothing & glycerol injection twice which also did nothing. Gamma took about 2 months to work and left me with a stange sensation like tingling under skin & left side of tounge and face numb like after dentist but rather this than electric shocks etc ! I also still take gabapentin but weaning down from 1600 three times a day now on 600 three times the feeling is gradually coming back now.Iadmit that even the sensation I get now still drives me crazy but for at least Im not in pain as I was before. I hope this has helped Glynis