I said I would get back to you all after I used the Gallixa more, so here I am. First !! and foremost , I must say this. Back in July I switched Neuros. I had been on 1200mg/Trileptal, 225mg/Lyrica per day. She prescribed 1 pill of Amitryptilene and said "give this 2 or 3 weeks and then see if you can get off some of the other". I am now down to half the Trileptal I was taking. I feel 100% better and less pain. On occasion I have used the Gallaxia when the "discomfort" level elevated. It did help! Cure?...no. Help?....yes it did. However, now that my body has gotten acclimated to the lesser Trileptal I am doing much much better. I'm shooting for slowly eliminating Trilepltal altogether. Due to neuropathy caused by the Cyberknife I may not be able to get off the Lyrica. We'll see. If I can eliminate the Trileptal totally, I'll try cutting the Lyrica then. I can't believe the difference by taking her advice and cutting back. Symptoms still there?....yes, but far far less than before. Will I continue to use the Gallaxia? Yes, if I feel I need to. I haven't used it in probably 2 weeks. I was using it every few days before this reduction in meds too affect. I have a feeling I'll not need it at all in the near future. We'll see.
I did order the cream, and I don’t really know if it’s helping or not honestly. I’ve been slathering it on when all else fails. It smells nice and the guy who makes it is nice. I do think it was a tad bit deceitful for you to not disclose your personal relationship with the man who makes it in your original post though.
I am trying not to over react but can not let this comment go. I do not bleed like a stone.
I had only purchased the cream and spoke to him to ask questions when I wrote my original post back in January. So no dishonesty has taken place and I resent someone saying so. My relationship with Larry has grown over this year because I am involved in helping people thru TNA and I call to ask him questions. .
I did not have to share this information with anyone. But since neuropathies are such a bugger and we all need as many different ways as possible to help the pain I did.
I get excited when things help without side effects and only wish the same for others. Again natural things are best for me because most main stream medications are not applicable.
If I thought people would be so critical and assuming for sharing what works for my neuropathies I would have never posted it.
Best regards, Tree
What I seem to have is neuropathy (left over from the CK treatment) , and I think neuropathy pain is what this cream is helping in my case. You said neuropathies in your comment above and its my guess that's what this cream may work best on. That's my uneducated guess. It helps my neuropathy, I can say that. I have a little TN pain left but not much. In HCal's situation, I'm thinking he has the pure TN pain and not neuropathy, which I would have my doubts if the cream would help much for that....but, who knows, for some it might. My neuro told me the bulk of what I have is neuropathy. I'm taking Lyrica for that, and it helps tremendously. But for the occasion when I need a little extra I use the cream. I just think in HCal's case he probably isn't going through neuropathy but in fact, a full dose of TN.
I’m actually a woman I’m 6weeks out from my 3rd mvd with rhizotomy, and I’m still having a lot of pain around my eye. I’m using the Gallixa around that area. I do think it helps some. It just seemed like an oversight, intentional or not, of the relationship with the producer of the cream was fishy. Now that I hear your explanation I understand. I wasn’t trying to be mean. Just a buyer beware type of thing we all get after so many failed promises of hope and healing. No hard feelings I hope
None with me ...I use to be in the insurance business. lol. 3rd MVD??? geesh. I cannot begin to imagine that ! Are you having blood vessels pressing on the T-nerve after 3 MVDs ? Speaking of MVDs, I never understood why if after you insulated the nerve with the Teflon tape the pain could return and have to do a repeat. I asked about the MVD for me in the past. The Neuro and the NS told me they didn't recommend it if the MRI did not show a definite vessel pressing on the nerve - which was the case with me. I asked why the pain if there is no vessel pressing on it and they said they didn't know. Some people they just don't know why the pain is there. I suppose that's why they treated me with the GK, and then 10 yrs later with the CK. However...the NS told me the MRI sometimes just doesn't show it and sometimes if they went in with a MVD they would find the vessel on the nerve, and sometimes they didn't. I went to another NS for another opinion. He found no vessel touching the T nerve on his MRI. He did , however, find compression on the OTHER side of the brain. But I have no pain on that side. Asked why...he said he didn't know. He said the pain I was having was neuropathy (from the CK treatment) and an MVD wouldn't do me any good....the MVD only works on the electric shock type pain caused by compression of the nerve by a blood vessel. I really don't understand why an MVD has to be repeated in your case. But, I'm no N.S. I've known 2 people who had it and have 0 pain afterwards. I know one who had it and has all kinds of pain and problems. Go figure ! We all just do what we gotta do.
After the first mvd (they found a compression and put a Teflon pad in to separate the nerve and vessel) I was pain free for 3 months. When they did the second mvd they put in a bigger pad and my surgeon “roughed the nerve”. I woke up in worse pain than I was when I went under. Then they suggested gamma knife but my surgeon didn’t do that so I switched to a different (better) surgeon and had that done. Waited 3 months and no relief at all so we decided to go ahead with cutting the nerve. I’m numb from the cheekbone down but they couldn’t numb my eye and I still have really bad pain around my eye, and as I type this I just felt a zap deeeep in my ear. I have been using the Gallixa all around my eye. It doesn’t sting and I’m not blind so it seems to be safe lol
Like you, I have often thought that there HAS to be more to this condition than compression since so many mvds fail, many people have no compression but pain, some have compression and no pain. It makes no sense. We need more research. I’ve often wondered if it could be viral, similar to shingles, laying dormant just waiting to attack the myelin. I mean, it’s often so similar they have to rule out ms first via MRI. Just seems like something is going on that is being missed somehow.
Jimmy Works said:
None with me ...I use to be in the insurance business. lol. 3rd MVD??? geesh. I cannot begin to imagine that ! Are you having blood vessels pressing on the T-nerve after 3 MVDs ? Speaking of MVDs, I never understood why if after you insulated the nerve with the Teflon tape the pain could return and have to do a repeat. I asked about the MVD for me in the past. The Neuro and the NS told me they didn't recommend it if the MRI did not show a definite vessel pressing on the nerve - which was the case with me. I asked why the pain if there is no vessel pressing on it and they said they didn't know. Some people they just don't know why the pain is there. I suppose that's why they treated me with the GK, and then 10 yrs later with the CK. However...the NS told me the MRI sometimes just doesn't show it and sometimes if they went in with a MVD they would find the vessel on the nerve, and sometimes they didn't. I went to another NS for another opinion. He found no vessel touching the T nerve on his MRI. He did , however, find compression on the OTHER side of the brain. But I have no pain on that side. Asked why...he said he didn't know. He said the pain I was having was neuropathy (from the CK treatment) and an MVD wouldn't do me any good....the MVD only works on the electric shock type pain caused by compression of the nerve by a blood vessel. I really don't understand why an MVD has to be repeated in your case. But, I'm no N.S. I've known 2 people who had it and have 0 pain afterwards. I know one who had it and has all kinds of pain and problems. Go figure ! We all just do what we gotta do.
I think its safe. But...that's just my opinion, and doesn't make it fact. I have another cream my neuro had made up for me at a compounding shop. Its a cream that rubs on and its called NeuroGel. It works about the same as Gallaxia. You "might" consider asking about that. I get mine from The Compounding Shoppe in Birmingham, AL. Ingredients are: Gaba/Amitrip/Lido/Keto/Flurbi/Baclo. I kind of doubt it will work on TN pain but it does help with neuropathy.
I can't imagine what all you've been through. I have heard of roughing up the nerve. I'm no N.S. but I cannot imagine doing that. There are so many different things they know to do, and none of them are "fixes". Sometimes one works, sometimes they don't. This, IMO, seems to be a field of neuroscience they just don't have a clearcut answer to. They are doctors, and they just do the best they can. I don't fault someone who is trying to help. I do wish there was a more concentrated effort in finding a fix for this disorder. It can be enough to drive one crazy. Thank God I have the relief I do, but I have been through the ringer just like many of you. I had the GK initially.They told me it would take 4 - 8 months to know if it worked. I stayed on the Tegritol the entire time. After 6 months began tapering down slowly. After 8 months I was off the Tegritol and had no pain. The GK worked ! .....for 9 years. Then it came back like an M-1 tank. They then gave me the CK. Killed a good bit of the TN pain. Its been 4 yrs since that, and the TN pain has subsided slowly, but left me with a lingering "occasional" small , very small hit of it.....and with a lingering ongoing neuropathy pain. The Lyrica takes care of that, mostly. What neuropathy the meds don't make up for I use the Gallaxia or the Neuro Gel. I went through a lot of junky TN and neuropathy pain for a long time after that last CK treatment. I ...WAS.... on 1200mg of Trileptal and 225mg Lyrica per day.....and that's 4 years after the CK. I decided to go to a different (older) Neuro for her opinion on all this. She added 1 pill of Elavil and said try to get off some of that other if you can. I did so. Now I've cut the Trileptal in HALF. And I have less pain to deal with than I had with the 1200mg. Go figure ! Within a couple more weeks I will try to cut it in half again and see what happens. If, and that's "if", I eliminate the Trileptal altogether I will try the same on the Lyrica. But I don't expect to get off that. We"ll see, in due time.
HCal, I have heard the viral angle before. And the shingle angle too. A member use to be on here from Mo. that was seeing a doctor in Tx who was treating it as a virus. I never could get that member to reply to any of my inquiries. Its funny you mentioned the shingle angle. I had my eyes checked a couple weeks ago and the eye doctor talked to me at length about the TN I had had. He said it almost seemed to him like it could be related to shingles in some obscure way. I said I had had shingles and chicken pox both. Like others, he didn't know for sure.....he's and eye doctor. But it struck me that he was thinking about that as a possible angle too.
Hi All
This is my experience with Gallaxia. Its a positive one
First Up Postage was very slow to Australia. 1 month. Also with the plunging Aussie $$ it will now cost a fair amount to import. Bugga! (Aussie for not good)
I have bilateral TN Type 1on the right and type 2 on the left. Recently developed Occipital Neuralgia Type symptoms.
The upshot of this is I can't stand pressure on the back and one side of my head now making sleeping very difficult.
Now when the Gallaxia finally arrived I found it have very positive effects on my TN. about 3 to 5 mins later and the pain level drops from an 8 to a 4. Sometimes the pain is just gone.
Good enough to deal with. Plus if I rub enough on the back of my head i can get a decent nights sleep.
Tried it on other pain areas with good effect. My back (L5 S1 prolaps a while ago) and my Partners Foot (she has a nerve issue and the pain went away very quickly but for the feet a good deal of cream would be needed I think)
I also get migraines and the gallaxia helped when applied for that.
I was surprised (very very surprised actually) how well the cream worked.
The next thing Is for me ...No Side effects ....SO FAR...
I have used the Lidocane cream and have bad side effects but that too works great for me. Its just not worth the flu type symptoms i get when i take it.
I would say that if you are having trouble with the meds not covering your pain Gallaxia Might be worth a punt.
Its not for everybody but it works for me. I understand the skepticism around Gallaxia The Web page has a snake Oil feel around it to a small degree.
All I can say is it give me relief and for that I am grateful.
Merry Christmas Simon!
The gentleman from the Gallixa company told me that this product could not be used inside of the mouth. It is to be applied only to the outside of face? I am not sure you should be putting it in your mouth unless it was safe or directed to you that way?
Tree69 said:
I have constant pain in/on my left side of the face, jaw, ear, teeth, cheek, sinus, nostril, eye and a constant headache with constant intense scalp pain. My jaw swells up so much my teeth no longer line up and cannot close my teeth together. Then my teeth hurt even more because my bottom front teeth push on my top front teeth. Then my jaw hurts more because I am holding it open all day. My face swells visibly on the outside also. Any amount of stress makes the pain spikes increase in frequency and intensity. Overstimulation such as chewing, talking, noise, light, and vibrations bring on the attacks to my teeth, face, jaw, cheek, sinus, eye, etc.. I have bad neck pain constantly from several injuries, if that pain increases so does the TN attacks.
Gallixa has helped all of my symptoms without putting it in my mouth, it penitrates to the areas great. I even put it into my ears and found relief of pain and more noise tolerance. It reduces intensity and frequency on both TN1 and TN2. I have TN1 and 2 on the left and now TN1 is starting up the same way on my right side.
I can not take any anti-seizure or depressants. So this is a great find for me, I can close my mouth at the end of the day.
Cheers, Tree
Thank you for your concern. But please read my statement carefully I stated that it works without putting it into my mouth.
Love Tree