I cannot be more excited about this molecule combination put into a cream. I have used it since Friday when it arrived. My pain level was reduced by 50%-75% within the first 10 min of application. Improves my headache and scalp pain as well. After the 1st night I noticed great improvement with the swelling associated with ATN and swelling in my eyes. After several days my swelling is staying 75% lower than it has in 2years trying everything else anti-inflammatory and anti-pain. Works better for my neuropathies then sharp jabs, but it helps them a little also.
P.S. Update - Please do not blame, shame or be mean to me if this does not work for you, I am only sharing to help. If it works for you please give me sound scientific feedback about how it works for you and what it is working for. So that others with like symptoms will have a better idea of if it would work for them.
It takes all of me to operate this computer, read or write as it is a trigger for my pain.
I have constant pain in/on my left side of the face, jaw, ear, teeth, cheek, sinus, nostril, eye and a constant headache with constant intense scalp pain. My jaw swells up so much my teeth no longer line up and cannot close my teeth together. Then my teeth hurt even more because my bottom front teeth push on my top front teeth. Then my jaw hurts more because I am holding it open all day. My face swells visibly on the outside also. Any amount of stress makes the pain spikes increase in frequency and intensity. Overstimulation such as chewing, talking, noise, light, and vibrations bring on the attacks to my teeth, face, jaw, cheek, sinus, eye, etc.. I have bad neck pain constantly from several injuries, if that pain increases so does the TN attacks.
Gallixa has helped all of my symptoms without putting it in my mouth, it penitrates to the areas great. I even put it into my ears and found relief of pain and more noise tolerance. It reduces intensity and frequency on both TN1 and TN2. I have TN1 and 2 on the left and now TN1 is starting up the same way on my right side.
I can not take any anti-seizure or depressants. So this is a great find for me, I can close my mouth at the end of the day.
I will be waiting patiently :-) The cream spreads easy and so a small smear goes a long way. Hope it lasts about a month? I have been using it on other aches and pains and love it. My husband has athritis in his hands, we took a 4hr road trip to see the folks last weekend, his hands where really causing him pain while driving. I talked him into letting me rub it on the backs of his hands. He was amazed that it helped so much. He really hates to take meds and will let it go untill agony strikes so it was nice to have it in my purse. My big bottle of Ketamine 10% is good pain relief, but does give a small light headed feeling, not good for driving, but the bottle in my purse is bulky/heavy, also has never helped the swelling. Its nice to have both when the pain reaches 10 usually in the evening time or after overstimulating day. It saves me from the ER feeling, gets the level down fast.
wm phillips said:
Well my wife, a big fan of herbal things ordered. Came today! Box feels empty.
Umm...looks like there is a small jar...one ounce to be exact....volume I guess.
A little cynical, but the main thing is that it worked for someone who needed options.
I'm the last guy to push meds...so Tree..I'm only sharing my story. I noticed that you
can't take meds like Lyrica. For a few years this is what I heard that I should take and
the pain mgmt specialist kept pushing 50mg 2-3x day...even though I tried to emphasize
that i was typically med sensitive. I left him, as many do with these high volume provider
types. One day while talking with the pharmacist I noticed that lyrica came in 25 mg dosages.
Took me two months to build up to more effective 50mg dosages, but...for better or worst..
it worked. At this time I'm glad that I have lyrica in my tool box. I'll be trying the cream in the
I applied the cream to the sinus area of the face. Hard to imagine that the cream will penetrate to the Trigeminal Nerve.
Nothing dramatic to report. Many other areas of my body to test, though. Did it work, immediately, or did you need to repeat applications over time? No matter if anyone gets comfort from using this cream, then I get some comfort to hear about it.
I apply it to the whole side of face. Making sure to cover V1,2 &3 branches of TN all the way to my nose and lips( all are a triggers for me). cheek, temple, jaw lines etc. I put on forehead for headaches and eyebrow pain. Around ear and behind also because it hurts to ware my glasses.
Seems to take about 10mins. for me. Also builds up the more I use. I put it on 3-4 times per day. It was not untill the 2nd day that I realized how much it helped me. My swelling is so much better which makes my mastoid muscle happier which allows me to smile again with out great pain. Using my Ketamine less :-) less animal tranquilizer is better for me. (When I started the ketamine it was the same, doctor said works better the more you use it because it is deadining the nerves slowly and by keeping at it they behave better)
The cream is not going to penetrat the TN because it deep is inside your head. But it can reach the nerves that travel across our face V1,2 &3. Which is where the irratation ends. So its working on only the little sensory branches.
Thanks for letting me know. Keep me posted. So I can let the researcher know what happens.
O one more thing-umm some sinus nerves lye right on top of our upper row of teeth. One can see them in dental xrays. So everything is so close together and interconnected in some way or another.
Hi, Tree, A TN friend on FB posted about Gallixa today. As I trust her, I went to their site and ordered it. Considering all the prescription meds I take, I'm eager to try a herbal cream. 20 yrs ago I started with TN2 in lower right jaw and teeth. Was finally diagnosed 1 yr ago. Since then, I've gone full blown TN1, TN2 in V1, V2, V3. I've the same symptoms as you have, except swelling. Also lost 40% hearing in right ear. Daily pain level is 10+. Seeing a Pain Management doctor and now on Dilantin, Gabapentin, Baclofen, Vicodin and Milnacipran HD. Barely manage, and when I do I'm too foggy too care. So, if Gallixa even lowers my pain by 20% I will be happy!
I bought the cream and used most of the jar and it did not help me at all, I used that much of the jar hoping it would kick in and giving it a fair trial. So I guess I am saying it does not work for everyone.
Ditto to what Scott says. Except I am a little less kind. I don't know the person's history touting the cream.
So, I'm more in the camp of buyer beware. It was a cheap experiment but one can get lulled into one after another, each time thinking that more and more is needed for a real trial. After seven years, I need neon writing in the sky. If you have the funds better to invest in a worthy distraction. Find a hobby that becomes an obsession.
Scott said:
Greetings Tree,
I bought the cream and used most of the jar and it did not help me at all, I used that much of the jar hoping it would kick in and giving it a fair trial. So I guess I am saying it does not work for everyone.
I forgot to add that I am happy it gives you and others some relief. Any relief is good. I wish you and others a pain free day!
Scott said:
Greetings Tree,
I bought the cream and used most of the jar and it did not help me at all, I used that much of the jar hoping it would kick in and giving it a fair trial. So I guess I am saying it does not work for everyone.
Sorry it did not work for you, Scott. I was so hoping you could get some more relief. Sounds like you gave it a good trial time and rubbed it in well.
You are correct it does not work for everyone. Just as certain medications do not work for everyone. But we never know what will work for us until we try it. I have to keep trying medicines that make me sick to find one that works on my various different pains. I have bilateral TN1 & 2, occipital neuralgia with neuropathy so bad I can not touch my head, then I have a headache syndrome called SUNCT run by TAC-Trigeminal Autonomic Cephaligia. So apply a topical agent is appealing to folks like me.
I find it works best for PHN, neuropathy, muscle, arthritis type constant pain. I use it in addition to other remedies' for added relief of many symptoms.
I sent a sample to a friend with PHN the other day. He has been suffering for many years with PHN across his rib cage from shingles. With skeptic mind, after everything else failed, he was pleasantly surprised of the noticeable relief he obtained from the first rubbing. My friend with fibromyalgia use it yesterday for the first time, thinking it was snake oil. In about ten minutes she smiled and said I feel it. I like it.
So if it works one is a happy camper, if not you have crossed another off the bucket list.
Thanks for Sharing, I had been wondering,
Scott said:
Greetings Tree,
I bought the cream and used most of the jar and it did not help me at all, I used that much of the jar hoping it would kick in and giving it a fair trial. So I guess I am saying it does not work for everyone.
I realize that I'm not being as gracious as most. Hardly, won't to appear uncivil. We all have to find relief wherever we can. I'm all for it and don't want to rain on someone's parade. At the same time there's other sides to pain management than reaching for small gains. Regarding research, I could not agree more and please hear me pounding the table for those that are moving forward in this field. Sanjay of CNN is doing his part, finally. I use weed to get to sleep but without a good strain that favors Cannabinoids I'm not getting the best utilization of this herb. This is where large gains could be found in my not so humble opinion. I've written my lame senator Rand Paul to tell him that he's cowardly libertarian for not speaking up that there be more research and that the parents of young children in need of proven compounds should not have to go jump up in down and go through red tape to get help. I'm referring to a recent national story involving children with a special brain disease and the pitiful compromise made by Christie.Well, that's my rant.
Tree69 said:
Hi wm phillps- its ok to be skeptical. I am a skeptical person also, so I do research on every thing. I am sorry it did not work for you, and I thank you for sharing.
Sorry Tree, but reading the original post the 3 hyperlinks were all from the company's website, I was very skeptical. I have found an independent medical website that does offer hope. Gallixa is a brand name. It is actually a cream with gallium maltolate in it. I am no longer a skeptic.
Thanks for posting the other links. :) This will save others time. I have a strong drive to help others so I share what I know to be true and tested. I am very sick most of the time and it is very hard for me to type, read and scroll with out my headache and vertigo kicking into gear. So I can only make it short, or I run the risk of ruining my day even farther. I like to help but not at the risk of feeling half dead.
I guess I assume people will do their own sleuthing before they try things. Or at least I need them to be. Not feeling strong enough to hold anyone's hand. So I must protect myself.
I am so sensitive to a lot of drugs that I am always digging deeper into how come and why. I tend to turn to alternative and out of the box things, so I am always researching. Gallium came to me by a trusted wise friend who uses discretion before spreading snake oil stories, but even then I still read everything from toxic reports to the mayo clinic. I called the guy and asked him questions. FYI-Gallium is the new non toxic metal they use in new thermometers instead of poisonous mercury.
I am thankful to have this product at this moment more then ever because I just had to slowly withdrawal from two medicines that were helping but suddenly became toxic, causing my blood pressure to lower and me to be constantly hang on fall down dizzy.
Enjoy your day, Tree
GoAskAlice said:
Sorry Tree, but reading the original post the 3 hyperlinks were all from the company's website, I was very skeptical. I have found an independent medical website that does offer hope. Gallixa is a brand name. It is actually a cream with gallium maltolate in it. I am no longer a skeptic.
I was all up for trying ONE jar of this stuff. Then I decided to look up the address of this Gallixa company on Google Earth and Google Maps (which gives a street view) to see what the corporate building looked like. Its address is 285 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA. Call me cynical if you wish, first of all, being a Calif address makes my senses perk up. If it was a junker building, then no go. If it was a Charles Bronson - type ghetto area, forget it. If it was in an acceptable looking commercial area that looked legit then I would risk my $24.95... why not? Ha! Google Maps shows its somebody's house!! Keep magnifying and it will show the street view. Here's the link. https://maps.google.com/?l=37.45863,-122.16223&z=19&t=h So, I looked up this Dr. Lawrence Bernstein on LinkedIn.com, which shows he is a self-employed scientist. My wife said LinkedIn.com is a website where you put in your own information on yourself. Another search led me to Zoominfo.com which shows he has a Bachelors degree of Arts from Harvard and a Masters degree and Phd from Stanford. And he's in the San Francisco Bay area. Senses are more alert now ! Call me cynical again if you wish. I'll keep my $24.95 and buy some mosquito repellent.
Cream, uh?! Great for many i suppose. But for me, NO!!! The TN is in my eyeball!! Anyone else with it in their eyes?! I feel so alone even among this group, just because of it being in my eye. But, yet, very grateful for you all as well.
I wont call you anything negative because that would feed the fire.
But I will say this I personally know Larry Bernstein and have been to his home where he runs his business as well. He is a very nice smart straight up fellow with the best interest and intentions for pain patients. He is currently working with Scientists and doctors at Stanford university to understand why it works so well for certain types of pain. I have been to a meeting with other doctors where Larry attended and they all want to know more about Gallixa that the other doctors are chatting good things about.
Gallium Maltolate is the ingredient in the face cream, it is an FDA approved cancer treatment. It's pain relief was discovered by the cancer patients by accident. They reported that it also worked for their pain. Larry decided it would help people for pain and developed it into a face cream that states "may help relieve pain". He pays a cosmetic company to make the cream and put it into containers.
It is my personal opinion that this cream works best on neuropathies. It has a great reputation for other skin conditions such as eczema, psroriis and skin cancers. I have two friends that like it for their fibromyalgia. I also sooths my arthritis pain.
In the future he hopes to be able to make it more versatile for absorption into other areas. Like a nose spray or a candy to suck on. For now there is no funding because Larry funded all of the research himself.
I could go on and on about how much money I have thrown away into finding relief for my pain. I have spent hundreds and hundreds on bottles of pills sitting in my drawer that do not work, make me worse or want to kill my self. I have spent thousands on the doctors. I would have never have found this pain relief had I not tried it.
If this cream helps one person I am happy and helping others. I know it helps a lot of people also because 3/4 of Gallixa's business is repeat customers. My friend Fritz of 84 years of age with PHN suffered for 4 years until I introduced him to Gallixa, because nothing else had worked. He is so grateful.
Gallixa is another alternative pain relief that I shared with everyone.
Jimmy I hope you can share a good pain relief tip with us all. Thanks for your opinion.
Have a pain free day, Tree
Jimmy Works said:
I was all up for trying ONE jar of this stuff. Then I decided to look up the address of this Gallixa company on Google Earth and Google Maps (which gives a street view) to see what the corporate building looked like. Its address is 285 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA. Call me cynical if you wish, first of all, being a Calif address makes my senses perk up. If it was a junker building, then no go. If it was a Charles Bronson - type ghetto area, forget it. If it was in an acceptable looking commercial area that looked legit then I would risk my $24.95... why not? Ha! Google Maps shows its somebody's house!! Keep magnifying and it will show the street view. Here's the link. https://maps.google.com/?l=37.45863,-122.16223&z=19&t=h So, I looked up this Dr. Lawrence Bernstein on LinkedIn.com, which shows he is a self-employed scientist. My wife said LinkedIn.com is a website where you put in your own information on yourself. Another search led me to Zoominfo.com which shows he has a Bachelors degree of Arts from Harvard and a Masters degree and Phd from Stanford. And he's in the San Francisco Bay area. Senses are more alert now ! Call me cynical again if you wish. I'll keep my $24.95 and buy some mosquito repellent.
It would be nice if some day Gallixa could be made into eye drops, candy, and nose spray. Then more people could have an alternative option. I have eye pain also. NOT FUN. As with all pain control substances they have their limits.
Healing Together, Tree
mbenz91 said:
Cream, uh?! Great for many i suppose. But for me, NO!!!!!! The TN is in my eyeball!! Anyone else with it in their eyes?! I feel so alone even among this group, just because of it being in my eye. But, yet, very grateful for you all as well.