Gallixa-pain and swelling relief

I am so sorry about your eye. I've put up with this stuff off and on for 15 years, most of which I got excellent relief of by my first Gamma Knife treatment. But after the 2nd treatment I now have a lot of neuropathy. Its all over my right face, and around the eye, but its not in the eye. What I posted is what I found online. Since I posted that I went back to the Gallixa website and read some nice reviews of "gallium maltolate" which is in Gallixa. A further search on Wikipedia shows it is under clinical and pre-clinical testing. So I'm guessing there is some legitimacy of the compound to the point of at least being studied. And it says gallium maltolate has been shown effective against neuropathic pain caused by shingles. So maybe the compound has some abilities to help out. That compound is in Gallixa

Tree, I fully understand. Perhaps I was too quick on the draw. That may be. Also, you can see my reply to mbenz91 above. It appears "gallium maltolate" is apparently undergoing clinical or pre-clinical testing. By whom, I have no idea. Wikipedia didn't say. And, I will also said about helping one person I fully does anyone who ever had a jolt from TN, which we all have had. A person will do anything - well, almost anything for relief. My dentist once asked me how bad was the TN when it hit me. He did so to give the new dental assistant standing beside him some real-world valuable input from an actual TN patient. I told him "Dr....when it hits I would kick my mom and spit on the flag for relief". He turned to her and said "now there's a description of trigeminal neuralgia". Yes, I agree , if anything will help its worth a shot. As for the cream I can't say. However, I will say this. After a couple of years of suffering from neuropathy, and trying to get a combo of drugs to fight it, someone told me of some "nerve cream" they used on their back and offered me some of it to help. I tried it and it did help. Not cured, but it did help. I took it with me on my next neuro visit. He said this was about the same thing he "sometimes prescribed" for sports injuries. I'm thinking...why the heck haven't you already done this for me ! He gave me his prescription and it is used when needed. And, it does help dull the pain. And, its just a cheap cream made up at a compounding shop. Oh well, I hardly ever use it now. I have changed neuros and that has made a big difference. She added amitriptyline and that has helped out a lot ! Its very inexpensive. I almost never use the compound cream now. I am just leery of anything coming out of someone's house. But given what I read on Wikipedia and the testing, I can more readily understand what you're saying.

Tree69 said:

I wont call you anything negative because that would feed the fire.

But I will say this I personally know Larry Bernstein and have been to his home where he runs his business as well. He is a very nice smart straight up fellow with the best interest and intentions for pain patients. He is currently working with Scientists and doctors at Stanford university to understand why it works so well for certain types of pain. I have been to a meeting with other doctors where Larry attended and they all want to know more about Gallixa that the other doctors are chatting good things about.

Gallium Maltolate is the ingredient in the face cream, it is an FDA approved cancer treatment. It's pain relief was discovered by the cancer patients by accident. They reported that it also worked for their pain. Larry decided it would help people for pain and developed it into a face cream that states "may help relieve pain". He pays a cosmetic company to make the cream and put it into containers.

It is my personal opinion that this cream works best on neuropathies. It has a great reputation for other skin conditions such as eczema, psroriis and skin cancers. I have two friends that like it for their fibromyalgia. I also sooths my arthritis pain.

In the future he hopes to be able to make it more versatile for absorption into other areas. Like a nose spray or a candy to suck on. For now there is no funding because Larry funded all of the research himself.

I could go on and on about how much money I have thrown away into finding relief for my pain. I have spent hundreds and hundreds on bottles of pills sitting in my drawer that do not work, make me worse or want to kill my self. I have spent thousands on the doctors. I would have never have found this pain relief had I not tried it.

If this cream helps one person I am happy and helping others. I know it helps a lot of people also because 3/4 of Gallixa's business is repeat customers. My friend Fritz of 84 years of age with PHN suffered for 4 years until I introduced him to Gallixa, because nothing else had worked. He is so grateful.

Gallixa is another alternative pain relief that I shared with everyone.

Jimmy I hope you can share a good pain relief tip with us all. Thanks for your opinion.

Have a pain free day, Tree

Jimmy Works said:

I was all up for trying ONE jar of this stuff. Then I decided to look up the address of this Gallixa company on Google Earth and Google Maps (which gives a street view) to see what the corporate building looked like. Its address is 285 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA. Call me cynical if you wish, first of all, being a Calif address makes my senses perk up. If it was a junker building, then no go. If it was a Charles Bronson - type ghetto area, forget it. If it was in an acceptable looking commercial area that looked legit then I would risk my $24.95... why not? Ha! Google Maps shows its somebody's house!! Keep magnifying and it will show the street view. Here's the link.,-122.16223&z=19&t=h So, I looked up this Dr. Lawrence Bernstein on, which shows he is a self-employed scientist. My wife said is a website where you put in your own information on yourself. Another search led me to which shows he has a Bachelors degree of Arts from Harvard and a Masters degree and Phd from Stanford. And he's in the San Francisco Bay area. Senses are more alert now ! Call me cynical again if you wish. I'll keep my $24.95 and buy some mosquito repellent.

Well there is that old saying "can't knock it tell you try it" LOL..... :))

I am glad that you have found relief medicine and are feeling better.

Just say'n Google, ebay and others are SF bay area companies. Wikipedia is not always factual either because any one can add to the definitions. I was once told by a wise man that any one with an educated brain can use a pen and ink. Keep up the research!

Cheers, Tree

You know, Tree. Based on what you have shared and what I found after I made my original post I am thinking about deleting what I said. If I do would that delete the whole line of posts made after my original one ?

Tree69 said:

Hi wm phillps- its ok to be skeptical. I am a skeptical person also, so I do research on every thing. I am sorry it did not work for you, and I thank you for sharing.

FYI- Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA is now studying Gallium Maltolate because they are interested in why it works for pain. They have enough patient testimony to be very interested.The beginning use of GM was in cancer patients. It is an FDA approved cancer drug (its really an element).Its pain use was discovered by accident. While giving the cancer patient high doses intravenously to treat their cancer, the patients reported that it also took away their pain. Thus began the research for it use on pain by Lawrence Bernstein, Ph.D.. When he has tried to market it to the big drug companies their response is that they are uninterested in it because it fixes people there for their is no money in it for them.

See I am so skeptical that I think the drug companies want to keep us sick with their toxic pills, so we keep them in business.

I am so happy that pain research is finally coming out of the dark ages.

Take Care my friend, Tree

Ditto to what Scott says. Except I am a little less kind. I don't know the person's history touting the cream.

So, I'm more in the camp of buyer beware. It was a cheap experiment but one can get lulled into one after another, each time thinking that more and more is needed for a real trial. After seven years, I need neon writing in the sky. If you have the funds better to invest in a worthy distraction. Find a hobby that becomes an obsession.

Scott said:

Greetings Tree,

I bought the cream and used most of the jar and it did not help me at all, I used that much of the jar hoping it would kick in and giving it a fair trial. So I guess I am saying it does not work for everyone.


I do not know.

I am lame about that kind of stuff.

Always leery of something like this. I did by one jar to try. I would be nice if it works. I would be nice if it was sold in retail outlets. How long has it been around? Hope it not a snake oil product. Any feedback would be great

Brunswick, there is a lot of posting back and forth between myself and Tree69. He's put a little more light on the matter. Read them all. I was really skeptical at first, thinking its just some way for some guy to mix up stuff at home and market it, but I am doubtful of that now. Read all mine and his posts.

Brunswick_B said:

Always leery of something like this. I did by one jar to try. I would be nice if it works. I would be nice if it was sold in retail outlets. How long has it been around? Hope it not a snake oil product. Any feedback would be great

Brunswick, I want to also say this. People who come to this site have wide variety of facial pain. Most is probably TN. Others like myself have neuropathy caused by my TN treatments. If it will aid any at all on either of these its worth considering. Especially for $24.95. I know the cream my neuro FINALLY prescribed does in fact help. No cure , but it helps. Its called Custom Rx Gel, made by The Compounding Shoppe, in Birmingham, AL. It could be made up by any compounding shop in your area. Ingredients in mine are Gaba/Amirip/Lido/Keto/Flurbi/Baclo. I think those are all abbreviations. Its just a skin cream. But it does help me. As I stated earlier, I hardly need to use it now, I just keep it in case.

Jimmy Works said:

Brunswick, there is a lot of posting back and forth between myself and Tree69. He's put a little more light on the matter. Read them all. I was really skeptical at first, thinking its just some way for some guy to mix up stuff at home and market it, but I am doubtful of that now. Read all mine and his posts.

Brunswick_B said:

Always leery of something like this. I did by one jar to try. I would be nice if it works. I would be nice if it was sold in retail outlets. How long has it been around? Hope it not a snake oil product. Any feedback would be great

I also use a compounded prescription when I am having a really bad flare up but use Gallixa as 1st line of defense because its more natural. Then my animal tranquillizer Ketamine 10% cream I rub on my face and scalp. Ketamine is used in veterinary medicine and is now being used in modern western pain relief. The pain specialist can do infusions of ketamine or lidocane to break the pain cycle.

Jimmy I think your cream is a combination of Gabapentin(AED), Amitriptyline(SSRI antidepressant), Lidocane (analgesic), ? Fluri, and Baclofen (muscle relaxant). Lots of drugs.

Tree(I am female btw)

I'll add my own input for what it's worth....Dr Bernstein was invited to come to one of our TN support meetings, as apparently some members were finding success with Gallixa. He came with a box of samples, and at the end of the meeting gave a short presentation describing how he had developed it, much as Tree describes. This man is exactly how you would picture a scientist, in a nutshell, also kind and gentle looking. He gave everything out for free, he seemed quite altruistic. Yes, he eventually would like to make some money off of this patent of his, no doubt, from many hours of lab time, as would I in the same circumstance. We chatted for a time and walked him out of the building. Nice guy.

About a year ago I had received an email from one of my friends here on the site, and had pshawed it because the website for it at the time was terrible, and this guy is no marketing genius, for sure. I was 100% sure that it was pure quackery. But now that I had a sample in hand, I figured I would try it, with MUCH skepticism for sure, as I do with things like this. I used it on my face on my upper two quadrants with the exception of my scalp, and my husband used it on his neck where he gets neuropathic pain.

After trying it a number of times, we both concluded the same thing about it - that it blocks the pain sensation in the upper layers, like down to about 1/4", without numbing - so it's kind of like having the pain sensors turned off, but still having the sensory nerves firing - which is different than with lidocaine, which shuts both down. So yes, to me, with my neuropathy, it is effective, and I plan on ordering more when I run out. I had to go out and work on a cold day recently, which I DREADED, and after about 10 minutes my face was really firing up a storm, but I went in the house, put some Gallixa on, then put my compounded salve of lidocaine/ketamine/gabapentin over it, and I didn't notice a thing for the rest of the morning, whereas the salve by itself would not have been nearly that effective. I was very happy with that. I think that it is a good tool to augment the others in my arsenal, especially when I am having a pain day that is feeling surface-level rather than deep-in-the-head-level, and I think that it will be especially useful come wintertime. I hope this helps - I am a reformed adamant skeptic. I hope that he is able to get this through the FDA hoops that are required, because he is sitting on a pretty good product, he just needs someone who knows how to market and sell it.


I am going to try Gallixa! I will let you know how it works All the drugs I have been on made me crazy. I am doing acupuncture which has helped alot. I am all for natural products.

At the beginning of this discussion I was 100% skeptical for many reasons, obviously, some of which I stated in the beginning. At one point, after getting more info from all of you I thought about deleting my original post because possibly it was a bit overdone; and in the process might just delete the whole conversation. However, since then I've seen the posts all of you have made to the discussion and I think I'll just leave it all as it stands, along with my following replies to Tree, and everyone's pros and cons. From the comments made here it seems like the gallium maltolate in Gallixa does help some and not others, as does any of these drugs we take. So, the comments of all is a good thing and I'll just let all alone with no deletions.

Lily said:

I'll add my own input for what it's worth....Dr Bernstein was invited to come to one of our TN support meetings, as apparently some members were finding success with Gallixa. He came with a box of samples, and at the end of the meeting gave a short presentation describing how he had developed it, much as Tree describes. This man is exactly how you would picture a scientist, in a nutshell, also kind and gentle looking. He gave everything out for free, he seemed quite altruistic. Yes, he eventually would like to make some money off of this patent of his, no doubt, from many hours of lab time, as would I in the same circumstance. We chatted for a time and walked him out of the building. Nice guy.

About a year ago I had received an email from one of my friends here on the site, and had pshawed it because the website for it at the time was terrible, and this guy is no marketing genius, for sure. I was 100% sure that it was pure quackery. But now that I had a sample in hand, I figured I would try it, with MUCH skepticism for sure, as I do with things like this. I used it on my face on my upper two quadrants with the exception of my scalp, and my husband used it on his neck where he gets neuropathic pain.

After trying it a number of times, we both concluded the same thing about it - that it blocks the pain sensation in the upper layers, like down to about 1/4", without numbing - so it's kind of like having the pain sensors turned off, but still having the sensory nerves firing - which is different than with lidocaine, which shuts both down. So yes, to me, with my neuropathy, it is effective, and I plan on ordering more when I run out. I had to go out and work on a cold day recently, which I DREADED, and after about 10 minutes my face was really firing up a storm, but I went in the house, put some Gallixa on, then put my compounded salve of lidocaine/ketamine/gabapentin over it, and I didn't notice a thing for the rest of the morning, whereas the salve by itself would not have been nearly that effective. I was very happy with that. I think that it is a good tool to augment the others in my arsenal, especially when I am having a pain day that is feeling surface-level rather than deep-in-the-head-level, and I think that it will be especially useful come wintertime. I hope this helps - I am a reformed adamant skeptic. I hope that he is able to get this through the FDA hoops that are required, because he is sitting on a pretty good product, he just needs someone who knows how to market and sell it.


Tree, I saw a well-respected neuro-surgeon a couple years ago for a 2nd opinion and hopefully he would do MVD. He didn't, said it was not an option for me at that time, and prescribed 12.5mg Amit. I took one and felt like I was in a fog. It was awful. I looked it up and found, as you said, its an anti-depressant. I'm not depressed. But reading further it says it was found to have a positive affect on nerve pain. I never took another one of those. However, recently I changed neuros and she too prescribed Amit but in 25mg. 1/day. I was very reluctant, but, knowing it wouldn't kill me I took it. To my surprise it didn't have the same affect as it did before when I only took 1/2 tablet. I didn't feel any foggier or dull, or anything. After being on it for 3 weeks or so now I can say I do in fact feel far less neuropathy pain than I did before. Because of the good report on that, I have reduced my Trileptal by 300mg/day. In a week or so I'm going to try reducing another 300mg. If all goes well I'll try reducing the Lyrica. Time will tell. All I want is the needed thing and no more.

Tree69 said:

I also use a compounded prescription when I am having a really bad flare up but use Gallixa as 1st line of defense because its more natural. Then my animal tranquillizer Ketamine 10% cream I rub on my face and scalp. Ketamine is used in veterinary medicine and is now being used in modern western pain relief. The pain specialist can do infusions of ketamine or lidocane to break the pain cycle.

Jimmy I think your cream is a combination of Gabapentin(AED), Amitriptyline(SSRI antidepressant), Lidocane (analgesic), ? Fluri, and Baclofen (muscle relaxant). Lots of drugs.

Tree(I am female btw)


Thanks for deciding to leave your posts as-is....I had written a VERY skeptical email about Gallixa to one of my friends here on the site, and chose to write another back recently, very humbly eating my hat and reversing my opinion. For me, it really helped that the scientist himself took the time to make the 3-4 hour round-trip drive to our meeting, just to spend 10 minutes talking to us about it and handing out free samples. He has no sales staff, obviously. He really believes in it and I could see his empathy for the people in the room. He gave a senior lady a whole bottle for free.

So thank you for having the strength of character to leave your posts the way they are - the smartest people are the ones who can admit when they are wrong/potentially jumped the gun/etc. That's me calling you smart. And you may not be wrong in all cases, as it may not work for everyone.

Hope you are well today,


Thanks for the flowers, Lily. I appreciate that.

Lily said:


Thanks for deciding to leave your posts as-is....I had written a VERY skeptical email about Gallixa to one of my friends here on the site, and chose to write another back recently, very humbly eating my hat and reversing my opinion. For me, it really helped that the scientist himself took the time to make the 3-4 hour round-trip drive to our meeting, just to spend 10 minutes talking to us about it and handing out free samples. He has no sales staff, obviously. He really believes in it and I could see his empathy for the people in the room. He gave a senior lady a whole bottle for free.

So thank you for having the strength of character to leave your posts the way they are - the smartest people are the ones who can admit when they are wrong/potentially jumped the gun/etc. That's me calling you smart. And you may not be wrong in all cases, as it may not work for everyone.

Hope you are well today,


To my surprise I received the jar of Gallaxia today. I was going to pay by check and then decided against the purchase. I was not suppose to receive it till my check arrived. So, I decided to try some of it because my face was acting up some today. To my surprise it seems to have worked nicely. But as you know stinging, burning can subside pretty quickly with neuropathy and/or TN. But I think the cream did do it. A little time will tell. The meds I'm on have done a pretty good job keeping it at a low level, although today was a bit more than that. If needed again - and I'm sure I will - I'll try this cream again. I'll post on here what happens. So....slap me with a wet noodle for being negative. Ha. I'll go ahead and send Mr. Bernstein the $24.95 since I did receive the order. In summary, it seems to have worked very quickly.

Got the cream yesterday and tried it. After about two hours I went from no pain to being in pain. pain was a constant burning and electro shock type. I feel a sleep and then woke up around 1:00am with the same pain. Applied more cream and the pain was gone in 10 minutes. Not sure of the cause and effect and what exactly was going on. I did apply more cream to my face in the morning before work and have been ok so far. Not sure if the pain has diminished as I was not in a lot of pain before I started this. I can say that I was able to shave and wash my face and there is usually pain associated with it, not to bad today. I still notice swelling on my jaw and would expect that to go down if this stuff works. I am not sold or turned off yet. Need to give it more time. Will post later.

I tried this product a couple of times with a couple day break in between. This product seem to inflame my TN. After about an hour my pain starts. I guess it is not for me

I am sorry it didn't work for you, and as you experienced the opposite - further inflaming of your TN. I can't say for sure on this product. At first, I stated I was really skeptical, having some pretty negative remarks to make. Then others wrote, and nicely so, testifying for the integrity of the person (Bernstein) promoting the product. I later said I would get back after I have used the cream further. I have done that. Maybe not enough to pass judgment but enough to give experience so far. First and foremost, I need to state I had a Cyberknife treatment in 2010 for extreme (and I do mean extreme) return of my TN with violent uncontrollable shocks. That has been significantly reduced so I can go on with life. However, it has left me with neuropathy and numbness. Also, I still get what I call "tremors" of TN which I know to not be neuropathy. So, I am on both Trileptal and Lyrica. These do help out greatly. But, there are times (often just before my next dose is due) that the burning, singeing, stinging - or whatever you want to call it - pain coming back. That's when I use this cream. And, so far at least, it does seem in fact to do away with a significant portion of that. No, its not a cure. And I do usually have to reapply. But does it help? To me it seems to. Was it worth the $24.95? I'd say so. What's the price of no pain? Depends I guess. I know this as a definite FACT! I asked my pharmacy how much the 3 month supply of Lyrica costs my insurance....the total cost, not just my co-pay. 3 months ago it was $930 for 3 months. This last refill was $1277 for 3 months. There is no way on God's green earth this is justified. I won't get off on that bandwagon. That's all I'll say. And this is coming from an former insurance agent !! Back to the Gallixa. I am "thinking" this Gallixa is working on my neuropathy moreso than the "tremors" I sometimes get from the remaining TN left after the Cyberknife treatment. Time will tell before I pass my final two cents worth. I would tend to agree with Brunswick. It probably will not work for everyone. Neither do all the other meds work for everyone.

I tried it a couple of times with the exact same results, triggered my pain. I am glad it worked for you. Obviously nothing works 100% for everyone, that's why there are so many med out there. I truly hope others have better results than me