Foods that Fight Pain

have any of you read this book by Dr Barnard? I’m debating whether to order it. I imagine it’s geared more toward inflammatory conditions, but I’m not sure. thought I’d Che k here first.

p.s. apologies for erroneously sending an email message instead of starting a discussion thread. please ignore the email.

No but I’m about to take a hard look at what I eat. I may see if its available at local library. Is that the title? shows that Dr. Barnard has real NIH funded data backing up his claims on a vegan diet improving diabetes Type II symptoms as well as improved heart health.

hmmm… very interesting, Ronald thx!

Kerry, yes that is the actual title.

I have not read or looked into this book but I have tried different diets and tried eliminating certain foods from my diet to see if it helps with my pain. The only thing that I have found that actually affects my pain is aspartame. If I have even the least bit, which is in almost all diet drinks and a lot of diet foods, I will have a severe attack, TN1 and TN2 type pain. I have posted questions on the main board about this topic before and I have not had anyone say they had any success with pain control thru diet. Of course, healthy diet helps you feel better overall and can help with other health issues, but specifically, for TN pain, I have not read of anyone on here that has had success with diet as a pain controller. If you are out there and you have had success, please share, because I am quite willing to try just about anything to stop the pain!!!

Not trying to be a party pooper...

Karen, you’re not being a party pooper… you’re providing our honest opinion & that’s what most of us are looking for. so thanks for your feedback, and everyone else, too!

thanks Summer. I’ll check it out!