Eating Decreases Pain . anyone?

Anyone noticed that eating decreases the pain ?

for two years i've noticed that.

maybe it's the chewing movement...

or maybe it's related to the stomach (eases the stomach)

(some neurologists told me people with Facial Pain a lot of times found related to stomach problems !!! and that there is a nereve or muslce (don't remeber) that goes from the stomach to the jaw (it's logical.. cause the food we eat goes to the stomach)

or maybe it "softens" the touch between teeth.. don't know.

but sometimes i have severe severe pain like earlier.. no pill would do - and then - eating something crispy (that i have to chew) - eases the pain.. almost to zero.

the only thing that i’m an expert on is the nightmarish pain, and eating increases the sharp pains, but while my meds are working the doctor did say if i had food in my stomach it would help the side effects. God just enjoy the good days lol

Good thing you have found some relief. You are lucky. I have not been able to eat more than yogurt for days...this is what my normal is...So count your blessings...

blueeyedgirl - i wouldn't call that a relief.. and if so - it last for ten minutes.

i'm writing know.. and it's DAYS with continious SEVERE pain. don't know where to run.. when to go out of my body. i tried to take two painkillers at once - it does not even make the pain even not a bit better.

nothing helps.. .the only place i run into without pain - is when i take the sleeping pills and sleep 5 hours... with no pain - and that awake to another 17 hours of pain.

i have no blessing at all.

i can go crazy like that. it hurts know SOOOO much.

Eating increases pain for me. I have lost 40 pounds this last yr. NOT intentionally. Hurts to much to eat.

I would not say that eating decreases my pain. I would say for quite some time I would eat because I thought it would make me feel better. This got my weight up from 135 lbs to 182 lbs. This was over a decade ago. I lost the weight. Now creeping up a bit due to amitryptyline. I try to make sure that I eat throughout the day as to not add the "I WAITED TO LONG TO EAT" headache along with the TN pain. Somehow I still "mentally" think that eating will make the headache/facial pain go away. It doesn't. But, not eating doesn't help. Make any sense? EXCRUCIATING right side facial pain day...arggg!!!

Eating is a trigger for me. Sometimes I make myself eat because I have already lost 5 lbs and can’t afford to lose anymore. I also feel like my taste is off - I can’t explain it.