Eating to fend off an attack

Hi everyone ... last night after 5 hours of a constant attack that just varied in intensity from sore to tears rolling down my cheeks I forced myself to eat my dinner that I had put off for 3 hours. It was pure hell eating but it did work at stopping the attack. It made me pain free for half an hour and then any further attacks were short (thank goodness!).

downrachel had mentioned to me about eating, she had read in the "Striking Back" book that eating overloads the nerve and it can't cope with signals anymore therefore can stop the pain.

Just thought I would mention it (perhaps gum might work the same, we can't eat every time or we'd all be the size of a house!).

I have 24/7 pain in my teeth, but it doesn't really hurt while I'm eating. I've always found that odd.

What is the “Striking Back” book you referenced?

There should be a link to it from here .... available from the Facial Pain Association ...

I have annoying pain which signals the brink of a nasty attack ... am sitting chewing a piece of gum like it is going out of fashion :) It hasn't progressed into unbearable pain as usual so perhaps gum works too. Feels like a battle between me and my face, me chewing gum at it and it growling at me ... who will win! :)

Hi! just thought I would let you know and anyone else reading this that there is a link in resources :)

Porcelina, I hear you about the battle. While ago, I had some burning in my tongue. Well I got sick of it after awhile, so I decided to eat some hot pickles and give it a taste of its own medicine. I said now you have somethin to burn about! I told my husband I was trying to confuse my tri nerve.