Ear popping? Is this normal with GPN?

I have burning and my ear pops along with the other symptoms of GPN, is this normal? A little about me:

Hello, I am new to the group. I was just recently diagnosed a week ago. My delay in diagnosis has been 9 months of hell that my general primary doctor could not figure out, I was referred to a ENT, where I had nasal polyps so they removed them via an excruciating in office procedure (yep, they now do this in the office with no antistesia) and while they had me there they balloon inflated 4 sinus cavities. Only topical pain releiver was used, and needless to say - the most painful experience in all my life I nearly came out of the chair. After this, they were supposed to biopsy the polyps from my nasal sinuses that were removed and the doctor did not because to him, they did not "look" like they needed to be. At my 4 week follow up, my ear, jaw, face pain was still there and so he said I must have TMJ. Off I went. This doctor measured and poked around and said yep, you have TMJ, buy this appliance for 3K, or take antidepressants. I refused the AD, just not me. I was thinking about the splint, but was taking other more natural precautions, I stopped eating my apples, carrots, my meat had to be cut in tiny pieces, etc. After a few months of this, and 800mg Motrin 3x day, flexerol 2x day, heat packs, etc, I realized it doesn't hurt when I chew or move my mouth it is just there. Shortly after this, I developed a severe sore throat that came on strong and thankfully was short lived however the strangest I ever had... it felt like strep, however I had no fever, no congestion, no coughing, just felt like I was swallowing razors. This, intensified my ear, face, and the lower jaw pain. I went the dr. they said nope, no sore throat there. I went to the dentist, nope, nothing wrong there. (this was in the same day) the next day, I went to my ENT, he almost disregarded me as well, due to the lack of symptoms, however he stuck the camera down my throat and he said wow you have a case of tonsilitus that is so far back in your throat that no doctor would have seen it without the camera he had. I was given strong penscilian for 14 days and it cleared up in no time. I was great for about 4 months, and this included the pain in my face, ear, and lower jaw, all of it gone, I still had some pressure in the ear however not severe and manageable. Then, 5 weeks ago it came back. It has been severe. This past 9 months every doctor wanted a MRI of the brain and my insurance would not cover it. Finally, I got it approved and just got my results last week by a nuerologist. She said no tumors were found. (yay) she said it is the GPN and that i may have got it from a virus? Anyhow she put me on gapepentin. I am taking it. I have seen some improvement, in fact for 2 days it was completely gone. but now, its back. and I have this annoying popping in my ear. (not my jaw, its like when you are in a airplane) I am going to give the meds a chance its only been a week. But, I don't see where popping is a symptom or complaint, I see ear pain which I have very badly, constant. But not the popping. any advise?

Hello Pamela. Sorry to read you have had such a run around to get diagnosed. The meds can take a few weeks to work so hold on in there. I would mention the popping in the ear when you speak to your Dr/Neurologist next. I have Tinnitus with occasional popping.

Mary, Thank you so much for your caring words. I can feel the meds somewhat working and that little releif is worth the wait. Thank you for giving me the heads up, it gives me hope. Like everyone here, I can’t fatham why this all happened to me- or for that matter how. Its been devestating- the pain and the diagnosis. I have had the popping in my ear since it all started in Feb. 2015, in addition to the stabbing, throbbing, pain. I will def mentioned this to my nuero-- I return in 5 weeks for re-evalution.

Your story sounds so similar to mine. It was rediculous going to so many doctors and never getting an answer. Currently my ear is hurting really bad and my throat feels just like what you said- swallowing razors. The thing I find weird about both of our stories is that when we were given an antibiotic, things cleared up for a while. Hang in there. This support group saved my life when I was first diagnosed so don’t be shy about asking for help!!

Hi Pamela! I also have GPN, I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain from head to neck (right side)and it’s started last february 2015. I was diagnosed last september 2015. I took tegretol for 2 weeks and then I stopped it because I’ve been experiencing a lot of side effects of taking tegretol like skin rashes and swollen lymph nodes. To make my story short I decided to stop all the medicine that they prescribed to me and believe it or not, all the pain was gone although sometimes I’m experiencing a bit pain on my throat and tongue but not just like before when I was taking tegretol. Here are some tips that I discovered, if you feel some pain at the back of your tongue or throat just stretch your tongue going down for about 5seconds then do this 3x until the pain subside. I also tried acupuncture for 3x and it works. Be sure that your acupuncturist is well knowledgeable. Now, I’m pain free. Hope you feel better!

Hello Kelleyst,

Thank you for your reply. (I have been on vacation and not able to thank anyone for their responses) I am so sorry you are going through this too. So far, the meds (Gapepentin) is working. As Mary stated, it takes a little while. I believe I am at 8 days pretty clear of the severe pain and by some short miracle, the ear popping has subsided as well. I still do not feel "right" but I will take it. Anything is better than that torture. I am staying optimistic, I know I have a road ahead. The doctor said I need to stay on the meds for a little while and not stop until they believe I can be weaned down off of it. Praying for you and hope you get relief soon.

Kelleyst said:

Your story sounds so similar to mine. It was rediculous going to so many doctors and never getting an answer. Currently my ear is hurting really bad and my throat feels just like what you said- swallowing razors. The thing I find weird about both of our stories is that when we were given an antibiotic, things cleared up for a while. Hang in there. This support group saved my life when I was first diagnosed so don't be shy about asking for help!!


So far, knock on wood, I have not had any side effects from the meds I am on. I am very interested in the acupuncture for this. Thank you for your advise. (I do not like pharm meds, I don't even like to take aspirin) I think I will research this further and start when I am closer to when the doctor wants to get me off the meds. My tongue isn't hurting, it really never has that is one of the symptoms to this that I don't have. My pain is more right side, inner ear-very deep, neck and lower right jaw pain. I recall describing my pain to the doctors "it feels like my right side of my face was being pushed out of my skin, from my skull. This med so far is working, knock on wood. Thank you for your response and congrats on being pain free, I only wish you the best!

Richs said:

Hi Pamela! I also have GPN, I've been experiencing a lot of pain from head to neck (right side)and it's started last february 2015. I was diagnosed last september 2015. I took tegretol for 2 weeks and then I stopped it because I've been experiencing a lot of side effects of taking tegretol like skin rashes and swollen lymph nodes. To make my story short I decided to stop all the medicine that they prescribed to me and believe it or not, all the pain was gone although sometimes I'm experiencing a bit pain on my throat and tongue but not just like before when I was taking tegretol. Here are some tips that I discovered, if you feel some pain at the back of your tongue or throat just stretch your tongue going down for about 5seconds then do this 3x until the pain subside. I also tried acupuncture for 3x and it works. Be sure that your acupuncturist is well knowledgeable. Now, I'm pain free. Hope you feel better!